MADNESS 0.10.1
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | List of all members
madness::SCF Class Reference

#include <SCF.h>

Collaboration diagram for madness::SCF:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 SCF (World &world, const commandlineparser &parser)
 collective constructor for SCF uses contents of file filename and broadcasts to all nodes
complex_functionT APPLY (const complex_operatorT *q1d, const complex_functionT &psi)
vecfuncT apply_potential (World &world, const tensorT &occ, const vecfuncT &amo, const functionT &vlocal, double &exc, double &enl, int ispin)
vecfuncT compute_residual (World &world, tensorT &occ, tensorT &fock, const vecfuncT &psi, vecfuncT &Vpsi, double &err)
void copy_data (World &world, const SCF &other)
tensorT derivatives (World &world, const functionT &rho) const
tensorT diag_fock_matrix (World &world, tensorT &fock, vecfuncT &psi, vecfuncT &Vpsi, tensorT &evals, const tensorT &occ, const double thresh) const
 diagonalize the fock matrix, taking care of degenerate states
tensorT dipole (World &world, const functionT &rho) const
 compute the total dipole moment of the molecule
void do_plots (World &world)
double do_step_restriction (World &world, const vecfuncT &mo, vecfuncT &mo_new, std::string spin) const
 perform step restriction following the KAIN solver
const vecfuncTget_amo () const
 getter for the molecular orbitals, alpha spin
const tensorTget_aocc () const
 getter for the occupation numbers, alpha spin
const vecfuncTget_bmo () const
 getter for the molecular orbitals, beta spin
const tensorTget_bocc () const
 getter for the occupation numbers, alpha spin
tensorT get_fock_transformation (World &world, const tensorT &overlap, tensorT &fock, tensorT &evals, const tensorT &occ, const double thresh_degenerate) const
 compute the unitary transformation that diagonalizes the fock matrix
void get_initial_orbitals (World &world)
 get the initial orbitals for a calculation
std::vector< int > group_orbital_sets (World &world, const tensorT &eps, const tensorT &occ, const int nmo) const
 group orbitals into sets of similar orbital energies for localization
void initial_guess (World &world)
void initial_guess_from_nwchem (World &world)
void initial_load_bal (World &world)
bool is_spin_restricted () const
distmatT kinetic_energy_matrix (World &world, const vecfuncT &v) const
void load_mos (World &world)
void loadbal (World &world, functionT &arho, functionT &brho, functionT &arho_old, functionT &brho_old, subspaceT &subspace)
functionT make_coulomb_potential (const functionT &rho) const
 make the Coulomb potential given the total density
functionT make_density (World &world, const tensorT &occ, const cvecfuncT &v)
functionT make_density (World &world, const tensorT &occ, const vecfuncT &v) const
double make_dft_energy (World &world, const vecfuncT &vf, int ispin)
tensorT make_fock_matrix (World &world, const vecfuncT &psi, const vecfuncT &Vpsi, const tensorT &occ, double &ekinetic) const
void make_nuclear_potential (World &world)
void orthonormalize (World &world, vecfuncT &amo_new) const
 orthonormalize the vectors
void orthonormalize (World &world, vecfuncT &amo_new, int nocc) const
 orthonormalize the vectors (symmetric in occupied spaced, gramm-schmidt for virt to occ)
void output_calc_info_schema () const
void project (World &world)
vecfuncT project_ao_basis (World &world, const AtomicBasisSet &aobasis)
void reset_aobasis (const std::string &aobasisname)
bool restart_aos (World &world)
void rotate_subspace (World &world, const distmatT &U, subspaceT &subspace, int lo, int nfunc, double trantol) const
void rotate_subspace (World &world, const tensorT &U, subspaceT &subspace, int lo, int nfunc, double trantol) const
void save_mos (World &world)
void set_print_timings (const bool value)
template<std::size_t NDIM>
void set_protocol (World &world, double thresh)
void solve (World &world)
Tensor< double > twoint (World &world, const vecfuncT &psi) const
 Compute the two-electron integrals over the provided set of orbitals.
void update_subspace (World &world, vecfuncT &Vpsia, vecfuncT &Vpsib, tensorT &focka, tensorT &fockb, subspaceT &subspace, tensorT &Q, double &bsh_residual, double &update_residual)
void vector_stats (const std::vector< double > &v, double &rms, double &maxabsval) const

Static Public Member Functions

static void analyze_vectors (World &world, const vecfuncT &mo, const vecfuncT &ao, double vtol, const Molecule &molecule, const int print_level, const AtomicBasisSet &aobasis, const tensorT &occ=tensorT(), const tensorT &energy=tensorT(), const std::vector< int > &set=std::vector< int >())
static void help ()
static std::vector< poperatorTmake_bsh_operators (World &world, const tensorT &evals, const CalculationParameters &param)
static functionT make_lda_potential (World &world, const functionT &arho)
static void print_parameters ()
static vecfuncT project_ao_basis_only (World &world, const AtomicBasisSet &aobasis, const Molecule &molecule)

Public Attributes

tensorT aeps
 orbital energies for alpha and beta orbitals
vecfuncT amo
 alpha and beta molecular orbitals
vecfuncT ao
 MRA projection of the minimal basis set.
AtomicBasisSet aobasis
tensorT aocc
 occupation numbers for alpha and beta orbitals
std::vector< int > aset
std::vector< int > at_nbf
std::vector< int > at_to_bf
tensorT beps
vecfuncT bmo
tensorT bocc
std::vector< int > bset
double converged_for_thresh =1.e10
 mos are converged for this threshold
poperatorT coulop
double current_energy
scf_data e_data
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< real_derivative_3d > > gradop
std::shared_ptr< GTHPseudopotential< double > > gthpseudopotential
functionT mask
Molecule molecule
CalculationParameters param
PCM pcm
std::shared_ptr< PotentialManagerpotentialmanager
double vtol
XCfunctional xc

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SCF()

madness::SCF::SCF ( World world,
const commandlineparser parser 

Member Function Documentation

◆ analyze_vectors()

void madness::SCF::analyze_vectors ( World world,
const vecfuncT mo,
const vecfuncT ao,
double  vtol,
const Molecule molecule,
const int  print_level,
const AtomicBasisSet aobasis,
const tensorT occ = tensorT(),
const tensorT energy = tensorT(),
const std::vector< int > &  set = std::vector<int>() 


complex_functionT madness::SCF::APPLY ( const complex_operatorT q1d,
const complex_functionT psi 

◆ apply_potential()

vecfuncT madness::SCF::apply_potential ( World world,
const tensorT occ,
const vecfuncT amo,
const functionT vlocal,
double &  exc,
double &  enl,
int  ispin 

◆ compute_residual()

vecfuncT madness::SCF::compute_residual ( World world,
tensorT occ,
tensorT fock,
const vecfuncT psi,
vecfuncT Vpsi,
double &  err 

◆ copy_data()

void madness::SCF::copy_data ( World world,
const SCF other 

◆ derivatives()

tensorT madness::SCF::derivatives ( World world,
const functionT rho 
) const

◆ diag_fock_matrix()

tensorT madness::SCF::diag_fock_matrix ( World world,
tensorT fock,
vecfuncT psi,
vecfuncT Vpsi,
tensorT evals,
const tensorT occ,
const double  thresh 
) const

diagonalize the fock matrix, taking care of degenerate states

Vpsi is passed in to make sure orbitals and Vpsi are in phase

[in]worldthe world
[in,out]fockthe fock matrix (diagonal upon exit)
[in,out]psithe orbitals
[in,out]Vpsithe orbital times the potential
[out]evalsthe orbital energies
[in]occoccupation numbers
[in]threshthreshold for rotation and truncation
the unitary matrix U: U^T F U = evals

Vpsi is passed in to make sure orbitals and Vpsi are in phase

[in]worldthe world
[in,out]fockthe fock matrix (diagonal upon exit)
[in,out]psithe orbitals
[in,out]Vpsithe orbital times the potential
[out]evalsthe orbital energies
[in]occoccupation numbers
[in]threshthreshold for rotation and truncation
the unitary matrix U: U^T F U = evals

References madness::BaseTensor::dim(), END_TIMER, get_fock_transformation(), madness::matrix_inner(), madness::CalculationParameters::nalpha(), madness::normalize(), param, PROFILE_MEMBER_FUNC, psi(), START_TIMER, thresh, madness::transform(), madness::truncate(), and vtol.

Referenced by solve().

◆ dipole()

tensorT madness::SCF::dipole ( World world,
const functionT rho 
) const

compute the total dipole moment of the molecule

[in]rhothe total (alpha + beta) density
the x,y,z components of the el. + nucl. dipole moment

References axis, END_TIMER, molecule, mu, madness::Molecule::nuclear_dipole(), param, madness::print(), madness::CalculationParameters::print_level(), PROFILE_MEMBER_FUNC, madness::World::rank(), and START_TIMER.

Referenced by main(), and solve().

◆ do_plots()

void madness::SCF::do_plots ( World world)

◆ do_step_restriction()

double madness::SCF::do_step_restriction ( World world,
const vecfuncT mo,
vecfuncT mo_new,
std::string  spin 
) const

perform step restriction following the KAIN solver

undo the rotation from the KAIN solver if the rotation exceeds the maxrotn parameter

[in]worldthe world
[in]movector of orbitals from previous iteration
[in,out]mo_newvector of orbitals from the KAIN solver
[in]spin"alpha" or "beta" for user information
max residual

Limit maximum step size to make convergence more robust

[in]worldthe world
[in]movector of orbitals from previous iteration
[in,out]new_movector of orbitals from the KAIN solver
[in]spin"alpha" or "beta" for user information
max residual

References madness::WorldGopInterface::fence(), madness::World::gop, madness::CalculationParameters::maxrotn(), madness::norm2s(), param, madness::print(), madness::CalculationParameters::print_level(), PROFILE_MEMBER_FUNC, madness::World::rank(), madness::sub(), and vector_stats().

Referenced by update_subspace().

◆ get_amo()

const vecfuncT & madness::SCF::get_amo ( ) const

getter for the molecular orbitals, alpha spin

References amo.

Referenced by madness::Coulomb< T, NDIM >::compute_density().

◆ get_aocc()

const tensorT & madness::SCF::get_aocc ( ) const

getter for the occupation numbers, alpha spin

References aocc.

Referenced by madness::Coulomb< T, NDIM >::compute_density().

◆ get_bmo()

const vecfuncT & madness::SCF::get_bmo ( ) const

getter for the molecular orbitals, beta spin

References bmo.

Referenced by madness::Coulomb< T, NDIM >::compute_density().

◆ get_bocc()

const tensorT & madness::SCF::get_bocc ( ) const

getter for the occupation numbers, alpha spin

References bocc.

Referenced by madness::Coulomb< T, NDIM >::compute_density().

◆ get_fock_transformation()

tensorT madness::SCF::get_fock_transformation ( World world,
const tensorT overlap,
tensorT fock,
tensorT evals,
const tensorT occ,
const double  thresh_degenerate 
) const

compute the unitary transformation that diagonalizes the fock matrix

[in]worldthe world
[in]overlapthe overlap matrix of the orbitals
[in,out]fockthe fock matrix; diagonal upon exit
[out]evalsthe orbital energies
[in]occthe occupation numbers
[in]thresh_degeneratethreshold for orbitals being degenerate
the unitary matrix U: U^T F U = evals
[in]worldthe world
[in]overlapthe overlap matrix of the orbitals
[in,out]fockthe fock matrix; diagonal upon exit
[out]evalsthe orbital energies
[in]occthe occupation numbers
[in]thresh_degeneratethreshold for orbitals being degenerate
the unitary matrix U: U^T F U = evals

References madness::WorldGopInterface::broadcast(), madness::World::gop, PROFILE_MEMBER_FUNC, madness::Tensor< T >::ptr(), madness::BaseTensor::size(), madness::sygvp(), madness::Localizer::undo_degenerate_rotations(), and madness::Localizer::undo_reordering().

Referenced by diag_fock_matrix().

◆ get_initial_orbitals()

void madness::SCF::get_initial_orbitals ( World world)

◆ group_orbital_sets()

std::vector< int > madness::SCF::group_orbital_sets ( World world,
const tensorT eps,
const tensorT occ,
const int  nmo 
) const

group orbitals into sets of similar orbital energies for localization

[in]epsorbital energies
[in]occoccupation numbers
[in]nmonumber of MOs for the given spin
vector of length nmo with the set index for each MO

References lo, madness::CalculationParameters::localize_pm(), param, madness::print(), madness::CalculationParameters::print_level(), PROFILE_MEMBER_FUNC, and madness::World::rank().

Referenced by initial_guess(), and initial_guess_from_nwchem().

◆ help()

static void madness::SCF::help ( )

References madness::print(), and madness::print_header2().

Referenced by main().

◆ initial_guess()

void madness::SCF::initial_guess ( World world)

References madness::_(), madness::LoadBalanceDeux< NDIM >::add_tree(), aeps, amo, ao, aobasis, aocc, madness::apply(), aset, beps, bmo, bocc, bset, c, madness::Function< T, NDIM >::clear(), madness::compress(), madness::DistributedMatrix< T >::copy_to_replicated(), madness::Molecule::GeometryParameters::core_type(), coulop, e(), END_TIMER, madness::QCCalculationParametersBase::get(), madness::Molecule::get_atom_charge(), madness::Molecule::get_atomic_number(), madness::Molecule::get_pseudo_atom(), group_orbital_sets(), gthpseudopotential, kinetic_energy_matrix(), madness::LoadBalanceDeux< NDIM >::load_balance(), MADNESS_CHECK_THROW, make_lda_potential(), madness::matrix_inner(), madness::AtomicBasisSet::modify_dmat_psp(), molecule, madness::mul_sparse(), madness::Molecule::n_core_orb_all(), madness::CalculationParameters::nalpha(), madness::Molecule::natom(), madness::CalculationParameters::nbeta(), madness::CalculationParameters::nmo_alpha(), madness::CalculationParameters::nmo_beta(), madness::normalize(), madness::CalculationParameters::nwfile(), param, madness::Molecule::parameters, potential(), potentialmanager, madness::print(), madness::CalculationParameters::print_level(), madness::print_meminfo(), PROFILE_MEMBER_FUNC, madness::Molecule::GeometryParameters::psp_calc(), madness::Molecule::GeometryParameters::pure_ae(), madness::World::rank(), madness::Function< T, NDIM >::reconstruct(), madness::reconstruct(), madness::FunctionDefaults< NDIM >::redistribute(), madness::CalculationParameters::restart(), madness::Function< T, NDIM >::scale(), madness::World::size(), madness::CalculationParameters::spin_restricted(), START_TIMER, madness::sygvp(), madness::Function< T, NDIM >::trace(), madness::transform(), madness::transpose(), madness::Function< T, NDIM >::truncate(), madness::truncate(), vnuc(), madness::CalculationParameters::vnucextra(), and vtol.

Referenced by get_initial_orbitals().

◆ initial_guess_from_nwchem()

void madness::SCF::initial_guess_from_nwchem ( World world)

References aeps, amo, ao, aocc, aset, madness::Atom::atomic_number, madness::atomic_number_to_symbol(), slymer::ES_Interface::atoms, slymer::Properties::Basis, slymer::ES_Interface::basis_set, beps, slymer::ES_Interface::beta_energies, slymer::ES_Interface::beta_MOs, slymer::ES_Interface::beta_occupancies, bmo, bocc, bset, madness::copy(), END_TIMER, slymer::Properties::Energies, slymer::ES_Interface::energies, slymer::ES_Interface::err, madness::Molecule::get_atom(), group_orbital_sets(), madness::inner(), MADNESS_ASSERT, MADNESS_CHECK_THROW, make_nuclear_potential(), molecule, slymer::Properties::MOs, slymer::ES_Interface::MOs, madness::CalculationParameters::nalpha(), madness::Molecule::natom(), madness::CalculationParameters::nbeta(), madness::CalculationParameters::nmo_alpha(), madness::CalculationParameters::nmo_beta(), madness::normalize(), madness::Tensor< T >::normf(), madness::CalculationParameters::nwfile(), slymer::Properties::Occupancies, slymer::ES_Interface::occupancies, param, potentialmanager, madness::print(), madness::CalculationParameters::print_level(), q(), madness::World::rank(), slymer::NWChem_Interface::read(), madness::Molecule::rotate(), sigma, madness::CalculationParameters::spin_restricted(), START_TIMER, madness::svd(), madness::symbol_to_atomic_number(), madness::transform(), madness::Molecule::translate(), madness::transpose(), madness::truncate(), vnuc(), vtol, madness::Atom::x, madness::Atom::y, and madness::Atom::z.

Referenced by get_initial_orbitals().

◆ initial_load_bal()

void madness::SCF::initial_load_bal ( World world)

◆ is_spin_restricted()

bool madness::SCF::is_spin_restricted ( ) const

◆ kinetic_energy_matrix()

distmatT madness::SCF::kinetic_energy_matrix ( World world,
const vecfuncT v 
) const

◆ load_mos()

void madness::SCF::load_mos ( World world)

◆ loadbal()

void madness::SCF::loadbal ( World world,
functionT arho,
functionT brho,
functionT arho_old,
functionT brho_old,
subspaceT subspace 

◆ make_bsh_operators()

std::vector< poperatorT > madness::SCF::make_bsh_operators ( World world,
const tensorT evals,
const CalculationParameters param 

◆ make_coulomb_potential()

functionT madness::SCF::make_coulomb_potential ( const functionT rho) const

make the Coulomb potential given the total density

References madness::apply(), and coulop.

◆ make_density() [1/2]

functionT madness::SCF::make_density ( World world,
const tensorT occ,
const cvecfuncT v 

◆ make_density() [2/2]

functionT madness::SCF::make_density ( World world,
const tensorT occ,
const vecfuncT v 
) const

◆ make_dft_energy()

double madness::SCF::make_dft_energy ( World world,
const vecfuncT vf,
int  ispin 

◆ make_fock_matrix()

tensorT madness::SCF::make_fock_matrix ( World world,
const vecfuncT psi,
const vecfuncT Vpsi,
const tensorT occ,
double &  ekinetic 
) const

◆ make_lda_potential()

functionT madness::SCF::make_lda_potential ( World world,
const functionT arho 

◆ make_nuclear_potential()

void madness::SCF::make_nuclear_potential ( World world)

◆ orthonormalize() [1/2]

void madness::SCF::orthonormalize ( World world,
vecfuncT amo_new 
) const

orthonormalize the vectors

orthonormalize the vectors ignoring occupied/virtual distinctions

[in]worldthe world
[in,out]amo_newthe vectors to be orthonormalized
[in]worldthe world
[in,out]amo_newthe vectors to be orthonormalized

References std::abs(), amo, END_TIMER, madness::matrix_inner(), madness::normalize(), param, madness::print(), madness::CalculationParameters::print_level(), PROFILE_MEMBER_FUNC, Q(), madness::Q2(), madness::World::rank(), START_TIMER, madness::transform(), madness::truncate(), and vtol.

Referenced by restart_aos(), and update_subspace().

◆ orthonormalize() [2/2]

void madness::SCF::orthonormalize ( World world,
vecfuncT amo_new,
int  nocc 
) const

orthonormalize the vectors (symmetric in occupied spaced, gramm-schmidt for virt to occ)

[in]worldthe world
[in,out]amo_newthe vectors to be orthonormalized

References std::abs(), END_TIMER, madness::matrix_inner(), madness::normalize(), param, madness::print(), madness::CalculationParameters::print_level(), PROFILE_MEMBER_FUNC, Q(), madness::Q2(), madness::World::rank(), START_TIMER, madness::transform(), madness::truncate(), and vtol.

◆ output_calc_info_schema()

void madness::SCF::output_calc_info_schema ( ) const

◆ print_parameters()

static void madness::SCF::print_parameters ( )

◆ project()

void madness::SCF::project ( World world)

◆ project_ao_basis()

vecfuncT madness::SCF::project_ao_basis ( World world,
const AtomicBasisSet aobasis 

◆ project_ao_basis_only()

vecfuncT madness::SCF::project_ao_basis_only ( World world,
const AtomicBasisSet aobasis,
const Molecule molecule 

◆ reset_aobasis()

void madness::SCF::reset_aobasis ( const std::string &  aobasisname)

◆ restart_aos()

bool madness::SCF::restart_aos ( World world)

◆ rotate_subspace() [1/2]

void madness::SCF::rotate_subspace ( World world,
const distmatT U,
subspaceT subspace,
int  lo,
int  nfunc,
double  trantol 
) const

◆ rotate_subspace() [2/2]

void madness::SCF::rotate_subspace ( World world,
const tensorT U,
subspaceT subspace,
int  lo,
int  nfunc,
double  trantol 
) const

◆ save_mos()

void madness::SCF::save_mos ( World world)

◆ set_print_timings()

void madness::SCF::set_print_timings ( const bool  value)

◆ set_protocol()

template<std::size_t NDIM>
void madness::SCF::set_protocol ( World world,
double  thresh 

◆ solve()

void madness::SCF::solve ( World world)

References madness::scf_data::add_data(), aeps, amo, analyze_vectors(), ao, aobasis, aocc, madness::apply(), apply_potential(), aset, beps, bmo, bocc, bset, madness::Function< T, NDIM >::clear(), madness::Localizer::compute_localization_matrix(), madness::PCM::compute_pcm_energy(), madness::PCM::compute_pcm_potential(), converged_for_thresh, coulop, current_energy, madness::CalculationParameters::dconv(), diag_fock_matrix(), dipole(), madness::CalculationParameters::do_localize(), e_data, madness::CalculationParameters::econv(), END_TIMER, madness::f, madness::QCCalculationParametersBase::get(), gthpseudopotential, madness::inner(), loadbal(), madness::CalculationParameters::localize_method(), make_density(), make_fock_matrix(), madness::matrix_inner(), madness::CalculationParameters::maxiter(), molecule, madness::name(), madness::Molecule::natom(), madness::CalculationParameters::nbeta(), madness::norm2(), madness::normalize(), madness::Molecule::nuclear_repulsion_energy(), madness::CalculationParameters::nwfile(), param, madness::Molecule::parameters, pcm, madness::CalculationParameters::pcm_data(), potentialmanager, madness::CalculationParameters::prefix(), madness::print(), madness::CalculationParameters::print_level(), madness::print_meminfo(), PROFILE_MEMBER_FUNC, madness::Molecule::GeometryParameters::psp_calc(), madness::Molecule::GeometryParameters::pure_ae(), Q(), madness::World::rank(), madness::Function< T, NDIM >::scale(), madness::Localizer::set_method(), madness::CalculationParameters::spin_restricted(), START_TIMER, subspace, madness::sygvp(), madness::transform(), madness::transpose(), madness::Function< T, NDIM >::truncate(), madness::truncate(), update_subspace(), vnuc(), vtol, and madness::wall_time().

Referenced by madness::MolecularEnergy::value().

◆ twoint()

Tensor< double > madness::SCF::twoint ( World world,
const vecfuncT psi 
) const

Compute the two-electron integrals over the provided set of orbitals.

Returned is a replicated tensor of $(ij|kl)$ with $i>=j$ and $k>=l$. The symmetry $(ij|kl)=(kl|ij)$ is enforced.

Important this is consistent with Coulomb

References madness::apply(), coulop, madness::WorldGopInterface::fence(), madness::FunctionDefaults< NDIM >::get_thresh(), madness::World::gop, madness::matrix_inner(), madness::mul_sparse(), madness::norm_tree(), PROFILE_MEMBER_FUNC, psi(), madness::reconstruct(), and madness::truncate().

◆ update_subspace()

void madness::SCF::update_subspace ( World world,
vecfuncT Vpsia,
vecfuncT Vpsib,
tensorT focka,
tensorT fockb,
subspaceT subspace,
tensorT Q,
double &  bsh_residual,
double &  update_residual 

◆ vector_stats()

void madness::SCF::vector_stats ( const std::vector< double > &  v,
double &  rms,
double &  maxabsval 
) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ aeps

tensorT madness::SCF::aeps

◆ amo

vecfuncT madness::SCF::amo

◆ ao

vecfuncT madness::SCF::ao

◆ aobasis

AtomicBasisSet madness::SCF::aobasis

◆ aocc

tensorT madness::SCF::aocc

◆ aset

std::vector<int> madness::SCF::aset

sets of orbitals grouped by their orbital energies (for localization?) only orbitals within the same set will be mixed to localize

Referenced by compare_calc_and_mos(), copy_data(), initial_guess(), initial_guess_from_nwchem(), load_mos(), restart_aos(), save_mos(), and solve().

◆ at_nbf

std::vector<int> madness::SCF::at_nbf

Referenced by copy_data(), and project_ao_basis().

◆ at_to_bf

std::vector<int> madness::SCF::at_to_bf

Referenced by copy_data(), and project_ao_basis().

◆ beps

tensorT madness::SCF::beps

◆ bmo

vecfuncT madness::SCF::bmo

◆ bocc

tensorT madness::SCF::bocc

◆ bset

std::vector<int> madness::SCF::bset

◆ converged_for_thresh

double madness::SCF::converged_for_thresh =1.e10

mos are converged for this threshold

Referenced by load_mos(), save_mos(), and solve().

◆ coulop

poperatorT madness::SCF::coulop

◆ current_energy

double madness::SCF::current_energy

◆ e_data

scf_data madness::SCF::e_data

◆ gradop

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<real_derivative_3d> > madness::SCF::gradop

◆ gthpseudopotential

std::shared_ptr<GTHPseudopotential<double> > madness::SCF::gthpseudopotential

◆ mask

functionT madness::SCF::mask

Referenced by set_protocol().

◆ molecule

Molecule madness::SCF::molecule

◆ param

CalculationParameters madness::SCF::param

◆ pcm

PCM madness::SCF::pcm

◆ potentialmanager

std::shared_ptr<PotentialManager> madness::SCF::potentialmanager

◆ vtol

double madness::SCF::vtol

◆ xc

XCfunctional madness::SCF::xc

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: