MADNESS 0.10.1
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Example Solving the Navier-Stokes equations. More...

#include <madness/mra/vmra.h>
#include <madness/constants.h>
Include dependency graph for


struct  FunctorInterfaceWrapper


#define myfun   std::vector< Function<T,NDIM> >


typedef Vector< double, 3 > coordT
typedef Vector< double, 1 > coordT1d
typedef Vector< double, 3 > coordT3d
typedef Function< double, 3 > functionT
typedef std::vector< functionTfunctT


template<typename T , int NDIM>
void adv (const myfun &uu, myfun &advu)
template<typename T , int NDIM>
static Function< T, NDIMdiff (const Function< T, NDIM > &f, int axis)
functionT div (const functT &uint)
static double fxexact (const coordT3d &r)
static double fyexact (const coordT3d &r)
static double fzexact (const coordT3d &r)
static double init_zero (const coordT3d &r)
functionT lap (const functionT &uint)
int main (int argc, char **argv)
template<typename T , int NDIM>
myfun operator- (const myfun &l, const myfun &r)
static double pexact (const coordT3d &r)
void testNavierStokes (int argc, char **argv)
static double uxexact (const coordT3d &r)
static double uyexact (const coordT3d &r)
static double uzexact (const coordT3d &r)


const double cc = 0
const double deltaT = pi*0.0001
const int k = 10
const double L = 2*pi
const double mu = 1
double mytime = 0.0
const double N = 8.0
const int Nts = L/deltaT+10
const double pi =madness::constants::pi
const double pthresh = 1.e-9
const double pthresh1 = 1e-10
const double uthresh = pthresh
const double uthresh1 = pthresh1

Detailed Description

Example Solving the Navier-Stokes equations.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ myfun

#define myfun   std::vector< Function<T,NDIM> >

Typedef Documentation

◆ coordT

typedef Vector<double, 3> coordT

◆ coordT1d

typedef Vector<double, 1> coordT1d

◆ coordT3d

typedef Vector<double, 3> coordT3d

◆ functionT

typedef Function<double, 3> functionT

◆ functT

typedef std::vector<functionT> functT

Function Documentation

◆ adv()

template<typename T , int NDIM>
void adv ( const myfun uu,
myfun advu 

◆ diff()

template<typename T , int NDIM>
static Function< T, NDIM > diff ( const Function< T, NDIM > &  f,
int  axis 

◆ div()

functionT div ( const functT uint)

◆ fxexact()

static double fxexact ( const coordT3d r)

◆ fyexact()

static double fyexact ( const coordT3d r)

◆ fzexact()

static double fzexact ( const coordT3d r)

◆ init_zero()

static double init_zero ( const coordT3d r)

◆ lap()

functionT lap ( const functionT uint)

◆ main()

int main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

◆ operator-()

template<typename T , int NDIM>
myfun operator- ( const myfun l,
const myfun r 

References pworld, and madness::sub().

◆ pexact()

static double pexact ( const coordT3d r)

◆ testNavierStokes()

void testNavierStokes ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

◆ uxexact()

static double uxexact ( const coordT3d r)

◆ uyexact()

static double uyexact ( const coordT3d r)

◆ uzexact()

static double uzexact ( const coordT3d r)

Variable Documentation

◆ cc

const double cc = 0

◆ deltaT

const double deltaT = pi*0.0001

Referenced by testNavierStokes().

◆ k

const int k = 10

Referenced by testNavierStokes().

◆ L

const double L = 2*pi

Referenced by testNavierStokes().

◆ mu

const double mu = 1

Referenced by madness::GFit< T, NDIM >::GFit(), madness::FunctionCommonData< T, NDIM >::_init_quadrature(), apply_bsh(), apply_BSH(), apply_BSH_new(), madness::GFit< T, NDIM >::bsh_fit(), madness::GFit< T, NDIM >::bsh_fit_ndim(), madness::GFit< T, NDIM >::bsh_spherical_moments(), madness::GFit< T, NDIM >::BSHFit(), madness::BSHOperator(), madness::BSHOperator3D(), madness::BSHOperatorPtr(), madness::BSHOperatorPtr3D(), madness::MolecularOptimizer::compute_reduced_mass(), compute_reduced_mass(), madness::SCF::dipole(), errsq(), madness::F2GOperator(), madness::F2GOperatorPtr(), madness::FGOperator(), madness::FGOperatorPtr(), fxexact(), fyexact(), fzexact(), madness::GaussOperator(), madness::GaussOperatorPtr(), gen_ce(), madness::GradBSHOperator(), GradBSHOperator_Joel(), madness::GradCoulombOperator(), gradPbarA(), madness::GradSlaterOperator(), madness::TwoElectronInterface< T, NDIM >::initialize(), madness::Localizer::localize_boys(), madness::Localizer::localize_new(), main(), main(), madness::TwoElectronInterface< T, NDIM >::make_coeff(), make_grad_operator(), makedata(), nuclear_potential(), opposing_field_potential(), optimize_coeffs(), madness::PeriodicBSHOp(), madness::PeriodicBSHOperator3D(), madness::PeriodicBSHOperatorPtr3D(), madness::PeriodicBSHOpPtr(), madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM >::phi_for_mul(), madness::PM_q(), madness::SlaterF12Operator(), madness::SlaterF12OperatorPtr(), madness::SlaterF12sqOperator(), madness::SlaterF12sqOperatorPtr(), madness::SlaterOperator(), madness::SlaterOperatorPtr(), madness::SlaterOperatorPtr_ND(), sympgrad6(), test(), test_bsh(), test_combined_operators(), test_gence(), testbsh(), and testNavierStokes().

◆ mytime

double mytime = 0.0

◆ N

const double N = 8.0

◆ Nts

const int Nts = L/deltaT+10

Referenced by testNavierStokes().

◆ pi

const double pi =madness::constants::pi

Referenced by testNavierStokes().

◆ pthresh

const double pthresh = 1.e-9

Referenced by testNavierStokes().

◆ pthresh1

const double pthresh1 = 1e-10

Referenced by testNavierStokes().

◆ pworld

World* pworld

Referenced by operator-(), and testNavierStokes().

◆ uthresh

const double uthresh = pthresh

◆ uthresh1

const double uthresh1 = pthresh1

Referenced by testNavierStokes().