MADNESS 0.10.1
mra Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for mra:




 Provides BoundaryConditions.
 Computes most matrix elements over 1D operators (including Gaussians)
 Declaration and initialization of tree traversal functions and generic derivative.
 Provides FunctionDefaults and utilities for coordinate transformation.
 Provides FunctionCommonData, FunctionImpl and FunctionFactory.
 Defines/implements plotting interface for functions.
 Provides typedefs to hide use of templates and to increase interoperability.
 fit isotropic functions to a set of Gaussians with controlled precision
 Provides IndexIterator.
 Multidimension Key for MRA tree and associated iterators.
 Implements (2nd generation) static load/data balancing for functions.
 Legendre quadrature, polynomials and scaling functions.
 Declares the macrotaskq and MacroTaskBase classes.
 Main include file for MADNESS and defines Function interface.
 Declaration and initialization of static data, some implementation, some instantiation.
 Function plotting utility.
 Implementation of Krylov-subspace nonlinear equation solver.
 Implements most functionality of separated operators.
 Implements BandlimitedPropagator and qm_free_particle_propagator.
 Prototypes for qm propagator.
 Defines abstract interfaces and concrete classes signed distance functions and domain masks.
 Implements the SignedDFInterface for common 2-D geometric objects.
 Implements the SignedDFInterface for common 3-D geometric objects.
 test various functionality for 6d functions
 test the bsh operator
 testing for diff() in 1D
 testing for diff() in 1D
 testing for diff() in 2D
 testing for diff() in 3D
 Test convolution with Gaussian * polyn.
 test different operators in different directions
 test the periodic convolution operator
 test periodic convolutiosn
 test box size dependence of projection etc.
 The QA/test suite for Function.
 test a unary op
 Routines to provide twoscale & correlation coeffs for Legendre basis.
 Defines operations on vectors of Functions.