MADNESS 0.10.1
Classes | Namespaces
sdf_domainmask.h File Reference

Defines abstract interfaces and concrete classes signed distance functions and domain masks. More...

#include <madness/mra/mra.h>
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class  madness::DomainMaskInterface
 The interface for masking functions defined by signed distance functions. More...
class  madness::DomainMaskSDFFunctor< NDIM >
 Framework for combining a signed distance function (sdf) with a domain mask to produce MADNESS functions. More...
class  madness::GaussianDomainMask
 Use a Gaussian for the surface function and the corresponding erf for the domain mask. More...
class  madness::LLRVDomainMask
 Provides the Li-Lowengrub-Ratz-Voight (LLRV) domain mask characteristic functions. More...
class  madness::SignedDFInterface< NDIM >
 The interface for a signed distance function (sdf). More...


namespace  madness
 Namespace for all elements and tools of MADNESS.

Detailed Description

Defines abstract interfaces and concrete classes signed distance functions and domain masks.

Interfaces for a signed distance function (sdf) and a domain mask are made. The original conception of these interfaces was for doing shapes and interior boundary conditions in MADNESS; however, the interfaces were abstracted for other applications.

The domain mask builds on a sdf such that $0 <=  \mbox{mask(sdf)} <= 1$ for smooth switching between domains. That said, a mask needs a sdf.

A general-purpose functor is given that combines a sdf and mask to produce MADNESS functions for various entities including