MADNESS 0.10.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * AC.h
3 *
4 * Created on: Dec 13, 2016
5 * Author: msahre
6 */
8#ifndef SRC_APPS_CHEM_AC_H_
9#define SRC_APPS_CHEM_AC_H_
12#include <madness/mra/mra.h>
14#include <exception>
15#include <iterator>
16#include <list>
19namespace madness {
23/// Needed information about atom to compute asymptotic correction
24template<unsigned long int NDIM>
27 /// Coordinates of nucleus
30 /// Interval boundaries, in which exchange correlation potential (<R1) and 1/r potential (>R2) are used
31 double R1;
32 double R2;
34 /// Nuclear charge
35 int charge;
37 /// Computes the distance between electron and nucleus
38 /// @param[in] elec: position of electron
39 /// @param[in] nuc: position of nucleus
40 /// @param[out] distance: distance between electron and nucleus
42 double distance = 0.0;
43 for(unsigned i = 0; i < NDIM; i++){
44 distance += (elec[i]-nuc[i])*(elec[i]-nuc[i]);
45 }
46 distance = sqrt(distance);
48 return distance;
49 }
51 template <typename Archive>
52 void serialize(Archive& ar) {
53 ar & coord& R1& R2& charge;
54 }
58/// Creates vector of atom_information for the given molecule
59/// @param[in] molecule: the molecule
60/// @param[out] : the vector containing the atom_information for each atom in the molecule
61std::vector<atom_information<3> > make_atom_vec(const Molecule& molecule, double R1_,double R2_);
63/// collection of slater radii needed to calculate R1 and R2; The Journal of Chemical Physics 41, 3199 (1964); doi: 10.1063/1.1725697
64/// @param[in] atomic_number: atomic_number of atom
65/// @param[out] : slater radius corresponding to atomic_number
66double slater_radius(int atomic_number);
71/// Contains all the parameters for the asymptotic correction
72template<unsigned long int NDIM>
74 std::vector< atom_information<NDIM> > atoms_;
75 bool use_mult_; /// set true to use multipole approximation
76 double e_ion_; /// ionisation energy of corresponding ion without ac
77 double eh_; /// energy of the homo without ac
78 double R1_; /// lower boundary interpolation area
79 double R2_; /// upper boundary for interpolation area
80 double dft_coefficient_; /// dft coefficient for hybrid functionals (=1.0 for non hybrid)
81 int num_elec_; /// number of electrons
82 std::string interpolation_scheme_; /// scheme for interpolation between xc-functional and 1/r-potential
85 template <typename Archive>
86 void serialize(Archive& ar) {
88 }
91 use_mult_ = false;
92 e_ion_ = 0.0;
93 eh_ = 0.0;
94 R1_ = 3.0;
95 R2_ = 4.0;
96 interpolation_scheme_ = "linear";
97 num_elec_=-1;
99 }
101 bool initialize(Molecule molecule, std::string ac_data, double dft_coeff, double tot_charge){
102 if(ac_data=="none"){
103 return false;
104 }else{
105 dft_coefficient_ = dft_coeff;
107 std::stringstream sac_data(ac_data);
108 std::string word;
110 while (sac_data >> word) {
111 std::transform(word.begin(), word.end(), word.begin(), ::toupper);
112 if(word=="MULT"){
113 use_mult_ = true;
114 } else if(word == "EION") {
115 sac_data >> e_ion_;
116 } else if(word == "EHOMO"){
117 sac_data >> eh_;
118 } else if(word == "R1"){
119 sac_data >> R1_;
120 } else if(word == "R2"){
121 sac_data >> R2_;
122 } else if(word == "INTERPOL"){
123 sac_data >> interpolation_scheme_;
124 } else {
125 std::cout << "Invalid entry in ac line\n";
126 //MADNESS_ASSERT("Invalid ac_data!\n", 1);
127 }
128 }
130 num_elec_ = molecule.total_nuclear_charge() - tot_charge;
131 return true;
132 }
133 }
136 : atoms_(other.atoms_), use_mult_(other.use_mult_), e_ion_(other.e_ion_),
137 eh_(other.eh_), R1_(other.R1_), R2_(other.R2_), dft_coefficient_(other.dft_coefficient_),
140 void print(World& world){
141 if(world.rank()==0){
142 std::cout << "\nAsymptotic correction parameters\n";
143 std::cout << "---------------------------------------\n";
144 std::cout << "Atom vector is not empty: " << !atoms_.empty() << "\n";
145 std::cout << "Using multipole approximation: " << use_mult_ << "\n";
146 std::cout << "Number of electrons = " << num_elec_ << "\n";
147 std::cout << "Ionisation energy = " << e_ion_ << "\n";
148 std::cout << "E(HOMO) = " << eh_ << "\n";
149 std::cout << "R1 = " << R1_ << "\n";
150 std::cout << "R2 = " << R2_ << "\n";
151 std::cout << "DFT coefficient = " << dft_coefficient_ << "\n";
152 std::cout << "Interpolation scheme = " << interpolation_scheme_ << "\n";
153 }
154 }
156 void check(World& world){
157 if(atoms_.empty()) { MADNESS_EXCEPTION("Failed to initialize AC object!",1); }
158 else if(num_elec_ <0) { MADNESS_EXCEPTION("Negative number of electrons!",1); }
159 else if(e_ion_ < 0) { MADNESS_EXCEPTION("Ionisation energy is negative!",1); }
160 else if(eh_>0) { MADNESS_EXCEPTION("Energy of homo is positive!",1); }
161 else if(R1_ == 0.0 or R2_ == 0.0) std::cout << "\n\nWARNING: R1 or R2 is zero!\n\n";
162 else if(interpolation_scheme_ != "linear" and interpolation_scheme_ != "constant") std::cout << "\n\nWARNING: Unknown interpolation scheme, using linear interpolation instead\n\n!";
163 else if(world.rank()==0) std::cout << "AC object was initialized succesfully!\n\n";
164 }
168/// Functor for the correction factor, which is multiplied with the exchange correlation potential
169template<unsigned long int NDIM>
174 //int_factor_functor(std::vector<atom_information<NDIM> > atoms, std::string interpolation): atoms(atoms), intpol_scheme(interpolation){}
176 int_factor_functor(const ACParameters<NDIM>& ac_param) : ac_param_(ac_param) {}
178 //int_factor_functor(std::string interpolation) : intpol_scheme(interpolation) {}
182 /// Computes correction factor for exchange correlation potential
183 /// @param[in] r: position of the electron
184 /// @param[out] : correction factor for exchange correlation potential at position r
185 double operator ()(const Vector<double, NDIM> &r)const{
187 // distance between electron and nuclues
188 double d = 0.0;
190 bool inside_R1 = false;
191 std::vector<atom_information<NDIM> > between;
193 // get position of electron relative to nuclei, to compute right correction factor
194 for(const auto& x:ac_param_.atoms_){
195 d = get_distance(r, x.coord);
196 // check if d<R1 for at least one nucleus
197 if(d<x.R1) {
198 inside_R1 = true;
199 break;
200 }
201 // push_back index of nucleus for which electron is inbetween
202 if(x.R1 < d and d < x.R2) {
203 between.push_back(x);
204 }
205 }
207 // compute correction factor
208 // at least for one nucleus r<R1
209 if(inside_R1){
210 return 1.0;}
211 // all nuclei r>R2
212 else if(between.empty()){
213 return 0.0;}
214 // for N nuclei R1<r<R2
215 else {
216 return int_factor(r, between);
217 }
218 }
220 /// Computes correction factor for the exchange correlation potential if electron position is between R1 and R2
221 /// @param[in] r: position of electron
222 /// @param[in] between: vector of the atom_information of all atoms for that electron position is between R1 and R2
223 /// @param[out] int_factor: correction factor
224 double int_factor(const Vector<double, NDIM> &r, std::vector<atom_information<NDIM> > between) const{
225 // Do not forget to add interpolation scheme to ACparameters check()
226 if(ac_param_.interpolation_scheme_=="constant"){
227 return 0.5;
228 }
229 else{
230 double int_factor = 0.0;
231 for(const auto& x:between){
232 // linear interpolation scheme between R1 and R2
233 int_factor += (- get_distance(r,x.coord) + x.R2)/(x.R2-x.R1);
234 //int_factor += 0.5*(erf(-(get_distance(r, x.coord)-5.0))+1.0);
235 }
236 int_factor = int_factor/(double(between.size()));
237 return int_factor;
238 }
239 }
242 /// Computes the distance between electron and nucleus
243 /// @param[in] elec: position of electron
244 /// @param[in] nuc: position of nucleus
245 /// @param[out] distance: distance between electron and nucleus
247 double distance = 0.0;
248 for(unsigned i = 0; i < NDIM; i++){
249 distance += (elec[i]-nuc[i])*(elec[i]-nuc[i]);
250 }
251 distance = sqrt(distance);
253 return distance;
254 }
256 /// Parameter for the asymtotic correction
261/// Functor for the 1/r potential to induce the correct asymptotic behaviour of the exchange correlation potential
262template<unsigned long int NDIM>
263class lr_pot_functor : public FunctionFunctorInterface<double,NDIM>{
267 //lr_pot_functor(std::vector<atom_information<NDIM> > atoms, double dft_coeff_, std::string interpolation): atoms(atoms), dft_coeff(dft_coeff_), intpol_scheme(interpolation){}
269 lr_pot_functor(const ACParameters<NDIM> & ac_param): ac_param_(ac_param){}
271 /// Computes 1/r potential weighted by a correction factor
272 /// @param[in] r: position of the electron (density)
273 /// @param[out]: 1/r potential weighted by a correction factor
274 double operator ()(const Vector<double, NDIM> &r)const{
275 // distance between electron and nuclues
276 double d = 0.0;
277 bool inside_R1 = false;
278 std::vector<atom_information<NDIM> > between;
280 // get position of electron relative to nuclei, to compute right correction factor
281 for(const auto& x:ac_param_.atoms_){
283 d = get_distance(r, x.coord);
284 // check if d<R1 for at least one nucleus
285 if(d<x.R1) {
286 inside_R1 = true;
287 break;
288 }
290 // push_back index of nucleus for which electron is inbetween
291 if(x.R1 < d and d < x.R2) {
292 between.push_back(x);
293 }
295 }
297 // compute correction factor
298 // at least for one nucleus r<R1
299 if(inside_R1){return 0.0;} // return 0.0;
301 // all nuclei r>R2
302 else if(between.empty()){return 1.0*potential(r);} // 1.0*potential(r)+E_ion+E_homo
304 // for N nuclei R1<r<R2
305 else {return (int_factor(r, between))*potential(r);}
306 }
309 /// Computes the distance between electron and nucleus
310 /// @param[in] elec: position of electron
311 /// @param[in] nuc: position of nucleus
312 /// @param[out] distance: distance between electron and nucleus
314 double distance = 0.0;
315 for(unsigned i = 0; i < NDIM; i++){
316 distance += (elec[i]-nuc[i])*(elec[i]-nuc[i]);
317 }
318 distance = sqrt(distance);
320 return distance;
321 }
323 /// Multipole approximation of the 1/r potential for electron coordinate > R1 for all nuclei
324 /// @param[in] r: coordinate of the electron
325 /// @param[out] : potential at given coordinate r
326 double potential(const Vector<double, NDIM> &r) const{
327 double pot = 0.0;
328 for(const auto& x:ac_param_.atoms_){
329 pot += double(x.charge)/get_distance(r, x.coord);
330 }
331 return (-ac_param_.dft_coefficient_*pot/ac_param_.num_elec_);
332 }
334 /// Computes correction factor for the 1/r potential if electron position is between R1 and R2
335 /// @param[in] r: position of electron
336 /// @param[in] between: vector of the atom_information of all atoms for that electron position is between R1 and R2
337 /// @param[out] int_factor: correction factor
338 double int_factor(const Vector<double, NDIM> &r, std::vector<atom_information<NDIM> > between) const{
339 int_factor_functor<NDIM> interpolation(ac_param_);
340 double int_factor = interpolation.int_factor(r, between);
341 return (1.0 - int_factor);
342 }
344 /// Parameter for the asymtotic correction
348/// computes the corrected exchange correlation potential using the multipole approximation
350template<unsigned long int NDIM>
354 f(f_), f2(f2_),
355 cdata(FunctionCommonData<double,NDIM>::get(FunctionDefaults<NDIM>::get_k())){};
357 /// computes the corrected potential (weighting with correction factor and adding of 1/r potential)
358 /// @param[in] t: uncorrected exchange correlation potential
359 /// @param[out] t: corrected exchange correlation potential
360 void operator()(const Key<NDIM>& key, Tensor<double>& t) const {
361 Tensor<double> intpol(t.ndim(),t.dims());//madness::copy(t);
362 Tensor<double> lrpot(t.ndim(),t.dims());
363 const Tensor<double>& qp =cdata.quad_x;
364 fcube(key,(*f),qp,intpol);
365 fcube(key,(*f2),qp,lrpot);
367 // multiply xc-functional with interpolation factor
368 t.emul(intpol);
369 // add 1/r correction to xc-functional
370 t= t + lrpot;
371 }
372 /// shared pointer to object of int_factor_functor
373 std::shared_ptr<FunctionFunctorInterface<double,NDIM> > f;
374 /// shared pointer to object of lr_pot_functor
375 std::shared_ptr<FunctionFunctorInterface<double,NDIM> > f2;
377 template <typename Archive> void serialize(Archive& ar) {}
380/// computes the corrected exchange correlation potential using the hartree potential
382template<unsigned long int NDIM>
384 /// necessary to compile the program without getting a strange error i dont understand
388 f(f_),
389 cdata(FunctionCommonData<double,NDIM>::get(FunctionDefaults<NDIM>::get_k())){};
391 BinaryOpStructure(const BinaryOpStructure<NDIM> &other) : f(other.f), cdata(other.cdata) {}
393 /// computes the corrected potential (weighting with correction factor and adding of 1/r potential)
394 /// @param[in] t: uncorrected exchange correlation potential
395 /// @param[out] t: corrected exchange correlation potential
396 void operator()(const Key<NDIM>& key, Tensor<double>& result, const Tensor<double>& vxc, const Tensor<double>& vhartree) const {
398 if(f.get()==NULL) MADNESS_EXCEPTION("NULL Pointer in BinaryOpStructure of AC",1);
400 Tensor<double> intpol(result.ndim(),result.dims());//madness::copy(t);
401 Tensor<double> lrpot(result.ndim(),result.dims());
402 const Tensor<double>& qp =cdata.quad_x;
403 fcube(key,(*f),qp,intpol);
405 // exchange correlation potential weighted by correction factor
406 Tensor<double> tmp1 = madness::copy(vxc).emul(intpol);
407 // hartree potential pot weighted by correction factor
408 Tensor<double> tmp2 = madness::copy(vhartree).emul(intpol);
409 Tensor<double> tmp3 = madness::copy(vhartree);
410 // corrected potential
411 result = tmp1 - tmp2 + tmp3;
412 }
414 /// shared pointer to object of int_factor_functor
415 std::shared_ptr<FunctionFunctorInterface<double,NDIM> > f;
417 template <typename Archive> void serialize(Archive& ar) {}
420/// Asymptotic correction for DFT. In the correction the xc-potential is replaced by an 1/r term far away from the nuclei
421/// to give the correct asymptotic behavior. Close to the nuclei the standard xc-potential is used. The transition between
422/// the different potentials is achieved via a linear interpolation.
423/// for more information see: Molecular Physics, Vol. 103, No. 2–3, 20 January–10 February 2005, 413–424;
424/// The Journal of Chemical Physics 109, 10180 (1998); doi: 10.1063/1.477711;
425/// Molecular Physics, 1999, VOL.97, No. 7, 859-868
426template<unsigned long int NDIM>
427class AC{
430 /// Parameter for the asymtotic correction
432 bool initialized_=false;
433 double shift()const{return (-ac_param_.e_ion_-ac_param_.eh_);}
436 bool initialized()const{return initialized_;}
437 AC() = default;
439 AC(const ACParameters<NDIM>& ac_param): ac_param_(ac_param) {}
441 AC(World &world, std::shared_ptr<SCF> calc){
442 if(world.rank()==0){
443 initialized_=ac_param_.initialize(calc->molecule, calc->param.ac_data(), 1.0-calc->xc.hf_exchange_coefficient(), calc->param.charge());
444 }
447// ac_param_.print(world);
448 if(calc->param.ac_data()!="none") ac_param_.check(world);
449 }
451 AC(const AC& other): ac_param_(other.ac_param_){}
453 /// /// correction of the exchange correlation potential using the multipole approximation to describe asymptotic behaviour
454 /// @param[in] xc_functional: uncorrected (standard) exchange correlation potential
455 /// @param[out] : corrected exchange correlation potential
458 std::cout << "Apply AC Scheme with multipole approximation\n";
459 // fast return
460 if(ac_param_.atoms_.empty()){
461 std::cout << "OR NOT -- EMPTY VECTOR ATOMS!!!\n";
462 return xc_functional;
463 }
465 if(ac_param_.dft_coefficient_ < 0.0) { MADNESS_EXCEPTION("DFT coefficient is negative!",1); }
466 if(ac_param_.dft_coefficient_ == 0.0) { MADNESS_EXCEPTION("DFT coefficient is zero. This is no DFT calculation!\n",1); }
468 // shift of the exchange correlation potential to get the correct asymptotic behaviour
470 // pointer on interpolation factor and long range potential (1/r pot)
471 std::shared_ptr<FunctionFunctorInterface<double, NDIM> > int_ptr(new int_factor_functor<NDIM>(ac_param_));
472 std::shared_ptr<FunctionFunctorInterface<double, NDIM> > lr_pot_ptr(new lr_pot_functor<NDIM>(ac_param_));
474 // compute interpolation and long range potential
475 UnaryOpStructure<NDIM> U_total(int_ptr,lr_pot_ptr);
477 // apply correction on xc functional
478 xc_functional.template unaryop<UnaryOpStructure<NDIM> >(U_total);
479 //plot_plane( xc_functional, "test_total");
480 return xc_functional;
481 }
483 /// correction of the exchange correlation potential using the hartree potential to describe asymptotic behaviour
484 /// @param[in] xc_functional: uncorrected (standard) exchange correlation potential
485 /// @param[in] v_hartree: potential to describe asymptotic behaviour
486 /// @param[out] : corrected exchange correlation potential
489 if(ac_param_.use_mult_) return apply(xc_functional);
490 //else return apply_potential(xc_functional, v_hartree);
491 std::cout << "Apply AC Scheme with hartree potential\n";
492 // fast return
493 if(ac_param_.atoms_.empty()){
494 std::cout << "OR NOT -- EMPTY VECTOR ATOMS!!!\n";
495 return xc_functional;
496 }
497 // shift of the exchange correlation potential to get the correct asymptotic behaviour
500 // pointer on interpolation factor and long range potential
501 std::shared_ptr<FunctionFunctorInterface<double, NDIM> > int_ptr(new int_factor_functor<NDIM>(ac_param_));
503 // compute interpolation and long range potential
504 BinaryOpStructure<NDIM> U_total(int_ptr);
505 xc_functional = binary_op<double,double,BinaryOpStructure<NDIM>,NDIM >(xc_functional, v_hartree, U_total);
507 return xc_functional;
508 }
512}// end namespace
514#endif /* SRC_APPS_CHEM_AC_H_ */
This header should include pretty much everything needed for the parallel runtime.
Definition AC.h:427
ACParameters< NDIM > ac_param_
Parameter for the asymtotic correction.
Definition AC.h:431
Function< double, NDIM > apply(Function< double, NDIM > xc_functional) const
Definition AC.h:456
double shift() const
Definition AC.h:433
bool initialized_
Definition AC.h:432
bool initialized() const
Definition AC.h:436
AC(const ACParameters< NDIM > &ac_param)
Definition AC.h:439
Function< double, NDIM > apply(Function< double, NDIM > xc_functional, const Function< double, NDIM > v_hartree) const
Definition AC.h:487
AC(const AC &other)
Definition AC.h:451
AC(World &world, std::shared_ptr< SCF > calc)
Definition AC.h:441
const long * dims() const
Returns the array of tensor dimensions.
Definition basetensor.h:153
long ndim() const
Returns the number of dimensions in the tensor.
Definition basetensor.h:144
FunctionCommonData holds all Function data common for given k.
Definition function_common_data.h:52
Tensor< double > quad_x
quadrature points
Definition function_common_data.h:99
FunctionDefaults holds default paramaters as static class members.
Definition funcdefaults.h:100
Abstract base class interface required for functors used as input to Functions.
Definition function_interface.h:68
A multiresolution adaptive numerical function.
Definition mra.h:139
Key is the index for a node of the 2^NDIM-tree.
Definition key.h:68
Definition molecule.h:124
A tensor is a multidimensional array.
Definition tensor.h:317
Tensor< T > & emul(const Tensor< T > &t)
Inplace multiply by corresponding elements of argument Tensor.
Definition tensor.h:1799
A simple, fixed dimension vector.
Definition vector.h:64
void broadcast_serializable(objT &obj, ProcessID root)
Broadcast a serializable object.
Definition worldgop.h:754
A parallel world class.
Definition world.h:132
ProcessID rank() const
Returns the process rank in this World (same as MPI_Comm_rank()).
Definition world.h:320
WorldGopInterface & gop
Global operations.
Definition world.h:207
Functor for the correction factor, which is multiplied with the exchange correlation potential.
Definition AC.h:170
Definition AC.h:173
double operator()(const Vector< double, NDIM > &r) const
Definition AC.h:185
double int_factor(const Vector< double, NDIM > &r, std::vector< atom_information< NDIM > > between) const
Definition AC.h:224
int_factor_functor(const ACParameters< NDIM > &ac_param)
Definition AC.h:176
double get_distance(Vector< double, NDIM > elec, Vector< double, NDIM > nuc) const
Definition AC.h:246
const ACParameters< NDIM > & ac_param_
Parameter for the asymtotic correction.
Definition AC.h:257
Functor for the 1/r potential to induce the correct asymptotic behaviour of the exchange correlation ...
Definition AC.h:263
double operator()(const Vector< double, NDIM > &r) const
Definition AC.h:274
Definition AC.h:266
lr_pot_functor(const ACParameters< NDIM > &ac_param)
Definition AC.h:269
double get_distance(Vector< double, NDIM > elec, Vector< double, NDIM > nuc) const
Definition AC.h:313
const ACParameters< NDIM > & ac_param_
Parameter for the asymtotic correction.
Definition AC.h:345
double int_factor(const Vector< double, NDIM > &r, std::vector< atom_information< NDIM > > between) const
Definition AC.h:338
double potential(const Vector< double, NDIM > &r) const
Definition AC.h:326
Defines/implements plotting interface for functions.
#define MADNESS_EXCEPTION(msg, value)
Macro for throwing a MADNESS exception.
Definition madness_exception.h:119
#define MADNESS_ASSERT(condition)
Assert a condition that should be free of side-effects since in release builds this might be a no-op.
Definition madness_exception.h:134
Main include file for MADNESS and defines Function interface.
Namespace for all elements and tools of MADNESS.
Definition DFParameters.h:10
double slater_radius(int atomic_number)
double distance(double a, double b)
Default function for computing the distance between two doubles.
Definition spectralprop.h:95
Tensor< T > fcube(const Key< NDIM > &, T(*f)(const Vector< double, NDIM > &), const Tensor< double > &)
Definition mraimpl.h:2155
std::vector< atom_information< 3 > > make_atom_vec(const Molecule &molecule, double R1_, double R2_)
Function< T, NDIM > copy(const Function< T, NDIM > &f, const std::shared_ptr< WorldDCPmapInterface< Key< NDIM > > > &pmap, bool fence=true)
Create a new copy of the function with different distribution and optional fence.
Definition mra.h:2048
static const double d
Contains all the parameters for the asymptotic correction.
Definition AC.h:73
std::vector< atom_information< NDIM > > atoms_
Definition AC.h:74
double dft_coefficient_
upper boundary for interpolation area
Definition AC.h:80
int num_elec_
dft coefficient for hybrid functionals (=1.0 for non hybrid)
Definition AC.h:81
double R1_
energy of the homo without ac
Definition AC.h:78
double e_ion_
set true to use multipole approximation
Definition AC.h:76
double eh_
ionisation energy of corresponding ion without ac
Definition AC.h:77
ACParameters(const ACParameters &other)
Definition AC.h:135
Definition AC.h:90
double R2_
lower boundary interpolation area
Definition AC.h:79
std::string interpolation_scheme_
number of electrons
Definition AC.h:82
void check(World &world)
Definition AC.h:156
void print(World &world)
Definition AC.h:140
void serialize(Archive &ar)
scheme for interpolation between xc-functional and 1/r-potential
Definition AC.h:86
bool use_mult_
Definition AC.h:75
bool initialize(Molecule molecule, std::string ac_data, double dft_coeff, double tot_charge)
Definition AC.h:101
computes the corrected exchange correlation potential using the hartree potential
Definition AC.h:383
void operator()(const Key< NDIM > &key, Tensor< double > &result, const Tensor< double > &vxc, const Tensor< double > &vhartree) const
Definition AC.h:396
FunctionCommonData< double, NDIM > cdata
Definition AC.h:416
necessary to compile the program without getting a strange error i dont understand
Definition AC.h:385
void serialize(Archive &ar)
Definition AC.h:417
std::shared_ptr< FunctionFunctorInterface< double, NDIM > > f
shared pointer to object of int_factor_functor
Definition AC.h:415
BinaryOpStructure(const BinaryOpStructure< NDIM > &other)
Definition AC.h:391
BinaryOpStructure(const std::shared_ptr< FunctionFunctorInterface< double, NDIM > > f_)
Definition AC.h:387
computes the corrected exchange correlation potential using the multipole approximation
Definition AC.h:351
FunctionCommonData< double, NDIM > cdata
Definition AC.h:376
void serialize(Archive &ar)
Definition AC.h:377
std::shared_ptr< FunctionFunctorInterface< double, NDIM > > f2
shared pointer to object of lr_pot_functor
Definition AC.h:375
void operator()(const Key< NDIM > &key, Tensor< double > &t) const
Definition AC.h:360
std::shared_ptr< FunctionFunctorInterface< double, NDIM > > f
shared pointer to object of int_factor_functor
Definition AC.h:373
UnaryOpStructure(const std::shared_ptr< FunctionFunctorInterface< double, NDIM > > f_, const std::shared_ptr< FunctionFunctorInterface< double, NDIM > > f2_)
Definition AC.h:353
Needed information about atom to compute asymptotic correction.
Definition AC.h:25
int charge
Nuclear charge.
Definition AC.h:35
Vector< double, NDIM > coord
Coordinates of nucleus.
Definition AC.h:28
double get_distance(Vector< double, NDIM > elec, Vector< double, NDIM > nuc) const
Definition AC.h:41
void serialize(Archive &ar)
Definition AC.h:52
double R1
Interval boundaries, in which exchange correlation potential (<R1) and 1/r potential (>R2) are used.
Definition AC.h:31
double R2
Definition AC.h:32
Class to compute the energy functional.
Definition xcfunctional.h:360
constexpr std::size_t NDIM
static Molecule molecule