Functor for the correction factor, which is multiplied with the exchange correlation potential.
| int_factor_functor () |
| int_factor_functor (const ACParameters< NDIM > &ac_param) |
double | int_factor (const Vector< double, NDIM > &r, std::vector< atom_information< NDIM > > between) const |
double | operator() (const Vector< double, NDIM > &r) const |
| FunctionFunctorInterface () |
virtual | ~FunctionFunctorInterface () |
virtual coeffT | coeff (const keyT &) const |
virtual void | operator() (const Vector< double *, 1 > &xvals, double *fvals, int npts) const |
virtual void | operator() (const Vector< double *, 2 > &xvals, double *fvals, int npts) const |
virtual void | operator() (const Vector< double *, 3 > &xvals, double *fvals, int npts) const |
virtual void | operator() (const Vector< double *, 4 > &xvals, double *fvals, int npts) const |
virtual void | operator() (const Vector< double *, 5 > &xvals, double *fvals, int npts) const |
virtual void | operator() (const Vector< double *, 6 > &xvals, double *fvals, int npts) const |
virtual bool | provides_coeff () const |
| does this functor directly provide sum coefficients? or only function values?
virtual bool | screened (const Vector< double, NDIM > &c1, const Vector< double, NDIM > &c2) const |
| Can we screen this function based on the bounding box information?
void | set_length_scale (double lo) |
| adapt the special level to resolve the smallest length scale
virtual Level | special_level () const |
| Override this to change the minimum level of refinement at special points (default is 6)
virtual std::vector< Vector< double, NDIM > > | special_points () const |
| Override this to return list of special points to be refined more deeply.
virtual bool | supports_vectorized () const |
| Does the interface support a vectorized operator()?
virtual coeffT | values (const keyT &key, const Tensor< double > &tensor) const |
template<unsigned long int NDIM>
class madness::int_factor_functor< NDIM >
Functor for the correction factor, which is multiplied with the exchange correlation potential.