MADNESS 0.10.1
Enumerations | Functions
madness::cblas Namespace Reference


enum  CBLAS_TRANSPOSE { NoTrans =0 , Trans =1 , ConjTrans =2 }
 Matrix operations for BLAS function calls. More...


template<typename T >
const blas_complex_floatto_cptr (const T *ptr)
template<typename T >
std::enable_if<!std::is_const< T >::value, blas_complex_float * >::type to_cptr (T *ptr)
template<typename T >
const blas_complex_doubleto_zptr (const T *ptr)
template<typename T >
std::enable_if<!std::is_const< T >::value, blas_complex_double * >::type to_zptr (T *ptr)
void gemm (const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE OpA, const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE OpB, const integer m, const integer n, const integer k, const float alpha, const float *a, const integer lda, const float *b, const integer ldb, const float beta, float *c, const integer ldc)
 Multiplies a matrix by a vector.
void gemm (const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE OpA, const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE OpB, const integer m, const integer n, const integer k, const double alpha, const double *a, const integer lda, const double *b, const integer ldb, const double beta, double *c, const integer ldc)
void gemm (const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE OpA, const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE OpB, const integer m, const integer n, const integer k, const complex_real4 alpha, const complex_real4 *a, const integer lda, const complex_real4 *b, const integer ldb, const complex_real4 beta, complex_real4 *c, const integer ldc)
void gemm (const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE OpA, const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE OpB, const integer m, const integer n, const integer k, const complex_real8 alpha, const complex_real8 *a, const integer lda, const complex_real8 *b, const integer ldb, const complex_real8 beta, complex_real8 *c, const integer ldc)
void gemv (const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE OpA, const integer m, const integer n, const float alpha, const float *A, const integer lda, const float *x, const integer incx, const float beta, float *y, const integer incy)
 Multiplies a matrix by a vector.
void gemv (const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE OpA, const integer m, const integer n, const double alpha, const double *A, const integer lda, const double *x, const integer incx, const double beta, double *y, const integer incy)
void gemv (const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE OpA, const integer m, const integer n, const complex_real4 alpha, const complex_real4 *A, const integer lda, const complex_real4 *x, const integer incx, const complex_real4 beta, complex_real4 *y, const integer incy)
void gemv (const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE OpA, const integer m, const integer n, const complex_real8 alpha, const complex_real8 *A, const integer lda, const complex_real8 *x, const integer incx, const complex_real8 beta, complex_real8 *y, const integer incy)
void ger (const integer m, const integer n, const float alpha, const float *x, const integer incx, const float *y, const integer incy, float *A, const integer lda)
 Multiplies vector $ \mathbf{x} $ by the transform of vector $ \mathbf{y} $.
void ger (const integer m, const integer n, const double alpha, const double *x, const integer incx, const double *y, const integer incy, double *A, const integer lda)
void ger (const integer m, const integer n, const complex_real4 alpha, const complex_real4 *x, const integer incx, const complex_real4 *y, const integer incy, complex_real4 *A, const integer lda)
void ger (const integer m, const integer n, const complex_real8 alpha, const complex_real8 *x, const integer incx, const complex_real8 *y, const integer incy, complex_real8 *A, const integer lda)
float dot (const integer n, const float *x, const integer incx, const float *y, const integer incy)
 Compute the dot product of vectors $ \mathbf{x} $ and $ \mathbf{y} $.
double dot (const integer n, const double *x, const integer incx, const double *y, const integer incy)
complex_real4 dot (const integer n, const complex_real4 *x, const integer incx, const complex_real4 *y, const integer incy)
complex_real8 dot (const integer n, const complex_real8 *x, const integer incx, const complex_real8 *y, const integer incy)
void scal (const integer n, const float alpha, float *x, const integer incx)
 Scale a vector.
void scal (const integer n, const double alpha, double *x, const integer incx)
void scal (const integer n, const complex_real4 alpha, complex_real4 *x, const integer incx)
void scal (const integer n, const complex_real8 alpha, complex_real8 *x, const integer incx)
void scal (const integer n, const float alpha, complex_real4 *x, const integer incx)
void scal (const integer n, const double alpha, complex_real8 *x, const integer incx)
void axpy (const integer n, const float alpha, float *x, const integer incx, float *y, const integer incy)
 Scale and add a vector to another.
void axpy (const integer n, const double alpha, double *x, const integer incx, double *y, const integer incy)
void axpy (const integer n, const complex_real4 alpha, complex_real4 *x, const integer incx, complex_real4 *y, const integer incy)
void axpy (const integer n, const complex_real8 alpha, complex_real8 *x, const integer incx, complex_real8 *y, const integer incy)

Detailed Description

Description needed

Enumeration Type Documentation


Matrix operations for BLAS function calls.


Function Documentation

◆ axpy() [1/4]

void madness::cblas::axpy ( const integer  n,
const complex_real4  alpha,
complex_real4 x,
const integer  incx,
complex_real4 y,
const integer  incy 

◆ axpy() [2/4]

void madness::cblas::axpy ( const integer  n,
const complex_real8  alpha,
complex_real8 x,
const integer  incx,
complex_real8 y,
const integer  incy 

◆ axpy() [3/4]

void madness::cblas::axpy ( const integer  n,
const double  alpha,
double x,
const integer  incx,
double y,
const integer  incy 

◆ axpy() [4/4]

void madness::cblas::axpy ( const integer  n,
const float  alpha,
float x,
const integer  incx,
float y,
const integer  incy 

Scale and add a vector to another.

 \mathbf{y} \leftarrow \alpha \mathbf{x} + \mathbf{y}

nThe size of the vector
alphaThe scaling factor for vector $ \mathbf{x} $
xPointer to vector $ \mathbf{x} $
incxStride for vector $ \mathbf{x} $
yPointer to vector $ \mathbf{y} $
incyStride for vector $ \mathbf{y} $

References alpha, F77_SAXPY(), and madness::nonlinear_vector_solver().

Referenced by madness::aligned_axpy(), madness::aligned_axpy(), and madness::aligned_axpy().

◆ dot() [1/4]

complex_real4 madness::cblas::dot ( const integer  n,
const complex_real4 x,
const integer  incx,
const complex_real4 y,
const integer  incy 

◆ dot() [2/4]

complex_real8 madness::cblas::dot ( const integer  n,
const complex_real8 x,
const integer  incx,
const complex_real8 y,
const integer  incy 

◆ dot() [3/4]

double madness::cblas::dot ( const integer  n,
const double x,
const integer  incx,
const double y,
const integer  incy 

◆ dot() [4/4]

float madness::cblas::dot ( const integer  n,
const float x,
const integer  incx,
const float y,
const integer  incy 

Compute the dot product of vectors $ \mathbf{x} $ and $ \mathbf{y} $.

 u \leftarrow  \alpha \mathbf{x} \cdot \mathbf{y}

nSize of the vectors $ \mathbf{x} $ and $ \mathbf{y} $
xPointer to vector $ \mathbf{x} $
incxStride of vector $ \mathbf{x} $
yPointer to vector $ \mathbf{y} $
incyStride of vector $ \mathbf{y} $
The dot product of x and y

References F77_SDOT(), and madness::nonlinear_vector_solver().

◆ gemm() [1/4]

void madness::cblas::gemm ( const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE  OpA,
const integer  m,
const integer  n,
const integer  k,
const complex_real4  alpha,
const complex_real4 a,
const integer  lda,
const complex_real4 b,
const integer  ldb,
const complex_real4  beta,
complex_real4 c,
const integer  ldc 

◆ gemm() [2/4]

void madness::cblas::gemm ( const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE  OpA,
const integer  m,
const integer  n,
const integer  k,
const complex_real8  alpha,
const complex_real8 a,
const integer  lda,
const complex_real8 b,
const integer  ldb,
const complex_real8  beta,
complex_real8 c,
const integer  ldc 

◆ gemm() [3/4]

void madness::cblas::gemm ( const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE  OpA,
const integer  m,
const integer  n,
const integer  k,
const double  alpha,
const double a,
const integer  lda,
const double b,
const integer  ldb,
const double  beta,
double c,
const integer  ldc 

◆ gemm() [4/4]

void madness::cblas::gemm ( const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE  OpA,
const integer  m,
const integer  n,
const integer  k,
const float  alpha,
const float a,
const integer  lda,
const float b,
const integer  ldb,
const float  beta,
float c,
const integer  ldc 

Multiplies a matrix by a vector.

 \mathbf{C} \leftarrow \alpha \mathbf{A}^{\mathrm{OpA}} \mathbf{B}^{\mathrm{OpB}} + \beta \mathbf{C}

OpAOperation to be applied to matrix $ \mathbf{A} $
OpBOperation to be applied to matrix $ \mathbf{B} $
mRows in matrix $ \mathbf{C} $
nColumns in matrix $ \mathbf{C} $
kInner dimension size for matrices $ \mathbf{A} $ and $ \mathbf{B} $
alphaScaling factor applied to $ \mathbf{A} $ * $ \mathbf{B} $
aPointer to matrix $ \mathbf{A} $
ldaThe size of the leading-order dimension of matrix $ \mathbf{A} $
bPointer to matrix $ \mathbf{A} $
ldbThe size of the leading-order dimension of matrix $ \mathbf{B} $
betaScaling factor for matrix $ \mathbf{C} $
cPointer to matrix $ \mathbf{C} $
ldcThe size of the leading-order dimension of matrix $ \mathbf{C} $

References a, alpha, b, beta, c, ConjTrans, F77_SGEMM(), k, m, MADNESS_ASSERT, madness::nonlinear_vector_solver(), and op().

Referenced by madness::mTxm(), mTxm_dgemm(), madness::mTxmq(), madness::mTxmT(), madness::mxm(), and madness::mxmT().

◆ gemv() [1/4]

void madness::cblas::gemv ( const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE  OpA,
const integer  m,
const integer  n,
const complex_real4  alpha,
const complex_real4 A,
const integer  lda,
const complex_real4 x,
const integer  incx,
const complex_real4  beta,
complex_real4 y,
const integer  incy 

◆ gemv() [2/4]

void madness::cblas::gemv ( const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE  OpA,
const integer  m,
const integer  n,
const complex_real8  alpha,
const complex_real8 A,
const integer  lda,
const complex_real8 x,
const integer  incx,
const complex_real8  beta,
complex_real8 y,
const integer  incy 

◆ gemv() [3/4]

void madness::cblas::gemv ( const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE  OpA,
const integer  m,
const integer  n,
const double  alpha,
const double A,
const integer  lda,
const double x,
const integer  incx,
const double  beta,
double y,
const integer  incy 

◆ gemv() [4/4]

void madness::cblas::gemv ( const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE  OpA,
const integer  m,
const integer  n,
const float  alpha,
const float A,
const integer  lda,
const float x,
const integer  incx,
const float  beta,
float y,
const integer  incy 

Multiplies a matrix by a vector.

 \mathbf{y} \leftarrow  \alpha \mathbf{A}^{\mathrm{OpA}} \mathbf{x} + \beta \mathbf{y}

OpAOperation to be applied to matrix $ \mathbf{A} $
mRows in matrix $ \mathbf{A} $
nColumns in matrix $ \mathbf{A} $
alphaScaling factor applied to $ \mathbf{A} $ * $ \mathbf{x} $
APointer to matrix $ \mathbf{A} $
ldaThe size of the leading-order dimension of matrix $ \mathbf{A} $
xPointer to vector $ \mathbf{x} $
incxStride of vector $ \mathbf{x} $
betaScaling factor for vector $ \mathbf{y} $
yPointer to vector $ \mathbf{y} $
incyStride of vector $ \mathbf{y} $

References alpha, beta, ConjTrans, F77_SGEMV(), m, MADNESS_ASSERT, madness::nonlinear_vector_solver(), and op().

◆ ger() [1/4]

void madness::cblas::ger ( const integer  m,
const integer  n,
const complex_real4  alpha,
const complex_real4 x,
const integer  incx,
const complex_real4 y,
const integer  incy,
complex_real4 A,
const integer  lda 

◆ ger() [2/4]

void madness::cblas::ger ( const integer  m,
const integer  n,
const complex_real8  alpha,
const complex_real8 x,
const integer  incx,
const complex_real8 y,
const integer  incy,
complex_real8 A,
const integer  lda 

◆ ger() [3/4]

void madness::cblas::ger ( const integer  m,
const integer  n,
const double  alpha,
const double x,
const integer  incx,
const double y,
const integer  incy,
double A,
const integer  lda 

◆ ger() [4/4]

void madness::cblas::ger ( const integer  m,
const integer  n,
const float  alpha,
const float x,
const integer  incx,
const float y,
const integer  incy,
float A,
const integer  lda 

Multiplies vector $ \mathbf{x} $ by the transform of vector $ \mathbf{y} $.

 \mathbf{A} \leftarrow  \alpha \mathbf{x} \mathbf{y}^{\mathrm{T}} + \mathbf{A}

mRows in matrix $ \mathbf{A} $
nColumns in matrix $ \mathbf{A} $
alphaScaling factor applied to $ \mathbf{x} \mathbf{y}^{\mathrm{T}} $
xPointer to vector $ \mathbf{x} $
incxStride of vector $ \mathbf{x} $
yPointer to vector $ \mathbf{y} $
incyStride of vector $ \mathbf{y} $
APointer to matrix $ \mathbf{A} $
ldaThe size of the leading-order dimension of matrix $ \mathbf{A} $

References alpha, F77_SGER(), m, and madness::nonlinear_vector_solver().

◆ scal() [1/6]

void madness::cblas::scal ( const integer  n,
const complex_real4  alpha,
complex_real4 x,
const integer  incx 

◆ scal() [2/6]

void madness::cblas::scal ( const integer  n,
const complex_real8  alpha,
complex_real8 x,
const integer  incx 

◆ scal() [3/6]

void madness::cblas::scal ( const integer  n,
const double  alpha,
complex_real8 x,
const integer  incx 

◆ scal() [4/6]

void madness::cblas::scal ( const integer  n,
const double  alpha,
double x,
const integer  incx 

◆ scal() [5/6]

void madness::cblas::scal ( const integer  n,
const float  alpha,
complex_real4 x,
const integer  incx 

◆ scal() [6/6]

void madness::cblas::scal ( const integer  n,
const float  alpha,
float x,
const integer  incx 

Scale a vector.

 \mathbf{x} \leftarrow \alpha \mathbf{x}

nThe size of the vector
alphaThe scaling factor for vector $ \mathbf{x} $
xPointer to vector $ \mathbf{x} $
incxStride for vector $ \mathbf{x} $

References alpha, F77_SSCAL(), and madness::nonlinear_vector_solver().

◆ to_cptr() [1/2]

template<typename T >
const blas_complex_float * madness::cblas::to_cptr ( const T ptr)

References blas_complex_float, and T().

Referenced by axpy(), dot(), gemm(), gemv(), scal(), and scal().

◆ to_cptr() [2/2]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if<!std::is_const< T >::value, blas_complex_float * >::type madness::cblas::to_cptr ( T ptr)

References blas_complex_float, and T().

◆ to_zptr() [1/2]

template<typename T >
const blas_complex_double * madness::cblas::to_zptr ( const T ptr)

References blas_complex_double, and T().

Referenced by axpy(), dot(), gemm(), gemv(), scal(), and scal().

◆ to_zptr() [2/2]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if<!std::is_const< T >::value, blas_complex_double * >::type madness::cblas::to_zptr ( T ptr)

References blas_complex_double, and T().