MADNESS 0.10.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * projector.h
3 *
4 * Created on: Jan 24, 2014
5 * Author: fbischoff
6 */
11#include <madness/mra/mra.h>
12#include <type_traits>
14namespace madness {
18 protected:
19 /// a projector might work only on a subset of dimensions, e.g. P(1) | \psi(1,2) >
20 int particle=-1; // must only be 0 or 1!
21 public:
22 virtual ~ProjectorBase() {}
23 virtual void set_particle(const int p)
24 {
25 MADNESS_CHECK_THROW(p==0 or p==1, "particle must be 0 or 1");
26 particle=p;
27 }
28 virtual int get_particle() const {return particle;}
29 virtual std::string type() const = 0;
30 };
32 template<typename T, std::size_t NDIM>
33 class CCPairFunction;
35 template<typename T, std::size_t NDIM>
36 std::vector<CCPairFunction<T,NDIM>> apply(const ProjectorBase& P, const std::vector<CCPairFunction<T,NDIM>>& argument);
38 /// simple projector class
40 /// use this class to project a function or a set of functions on
41 /// another space of function. The projector can handle different sets of
42 /// functions for the bra and the ket space, e.g. in case of regularized
43 /// orbitals: |f> <-> <f|R^2
44 template<typename T, std::size_t NDIM>
45 class Projector : public ProjectorBase {
48 typedef std::vector<funcT> vecfuncT;
50 /// the space onto which the test functions will be projected: |ket>
51 std::vector<Function<T,NDIM> > mo_ket_;
52 /// the dual space onto which the test functions will be projected: <bra|
53 std::vector<Function<T,NDIM> > mo_bra_;
55 public:
59 /// simple constructor with only one orbital to project
61 /// bra and ket spaces are symmetric
63 mo_bra_(vecfuncT(1,mo)) {}
65 /// simple constructor with only one orbital to project
67 /// bra and ket spaces are not symmetric (e.g. |ket>^+ = <bra|R2 )
68 Projector(const funcT& bra, const funcT& ket) : mo_ket_(vecfuncT(1,ket))
69 , mo_bra_(vecfuncT(1,bra)) {
70 MADNESS_CHECK_THROW(mo_bra_.size()==mo_ket_.size(), "bra and ket spaces must have the same size in projector");
71 }
73 /// constructor with a set of orbitals to project out
75 /// bra and ket spaces are symmetric
77 MADNESS_CHECK_THROW(mo_bra_.size()==mo_ket_.size(), "bra and ket spaces must have the same size in projector");
78 }
80 /// constructor with a set of orbitals to project out
82 /// bra and ket spaces are not symmetric (e.g. |ket>^+ = <bra|R2 )
83 Projector(const vecfuncT& bra, const vecfuncT& ket) : mo_ket_(ket),
84 mo_bra_(bra) {
85 MADNESS_CHECK_THROW(mo_bra_.size()==mo_ket_.size(), "bra and ket spaces must have the same size in projector");
86 }
88 void set_spaces(const vecfuncT& p) {
89 mo_bra_=p;
90 mo_ket_=p;
91 }
93 void set_spaces(const vecfuncT& bra, const vecfuncT& ket) {
94 mo_bra_=bra;
95 mo_ket_=ket;
96 MADNESS_CHECK_THROW(mo_bra_.size()==mo_ket_.size(), "bra and ket spaces must have the same size in projector");
97 }
99 virtual std::string type() const override {return "PProjector";}
101 /// project f on p:
103 /// \f[
104 /// | result > = \sum_p | p > <p|f>
105 /// \f]
106 /// @param[in] f the function to be projected
107 /// @return the projection of f on the space of p
108 funcT operator()(const funcT& f) const {
109 return this->operator()(vecfuncT(1,f)).front();
110 }
112 /// project f on p:
114 /// \f[
115 /// | result > = \sum_p | p > <p|f>
116 /// \f]
117 /// @param[in] f the vector of functions to be projected
118 /// @return the projection of f on the space of p
120 if (f.size()==0) return vecfuncT();
121 World& world=f[0].world();
122 Tensor<T> ovlp=matrix_inner(world,mo_bra_,f);
123 vecfuncT result=transform(world,mo_ket_,ovlp,true);
124 truncate(world,result);
125 return result;
126 }
128 /// apply 3D Projector to one particle of a 6D function
129 /// \f[
130 /// |result> = \sum_p |p(particle)> <p(particle)|f(1,2)>_{particle}
131 /// \f]
132 /// @param[in] f the 6D function to be projected
133 /// @param[in] the particle that is projected (0 or 1)
134 /// @return the projected function
135 template<std::size_t KDIM>
136 typename std::enable_if<KDIM==2*NDIM, Function<T,KDIM> >::type
137 operator()(const Function<T,KDIM>& f, int particle1=-1) const {
138 if (particle1==-1) particle1=get_particle();
139 MADNESS_CHECK_THROW(particle1 == 0 or particle1 == 1, "particle must be 0 or 1");
140 auto [left,right]=get_vectors_for_outer_product(f);
141 return hartree_product(left,right);
142 }
144 /// apply the projection parts of the operator on a function f
146 /// The operator applied on f(1,2) is
147 /// O(1)f(1,2) = \sum_i |i(1) > <i(1) | f(1,2)>_1 = \sum_i |i(1) f_i(2)>
148 /// return the lo-dim vectors i and f_i only, perform no outer product
149 std::pair<std::vector<Function<T,NDIM>>,std::vector<Function<T,NDIM>>>
151 World&;
152 reconstruct(world, mo_bra_, false);
153 f.reconstruct(false);
154 reconstruct(world, mo_ket_, true);
155 std::vector<Function<T,NDIM>> projected;
156 for (const auto& i : mo_bra_) {
157 projected.push_back(f.project_out(i,particle));
158 }
159 if (particle==0) return std::make_pair(mo_ket_,projected);
160 else if (particle==1) return std::make_pair(projected,mo_ket_);
161 else {
162 MADNESS_EXCEPTION("confused particles in Projector::get_vector_for_outer_products",1);
163 }
164 }
166 template<typename argT>
167 typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<argT,Function<T,2*NDIM> >::value, argT>::type
168 operator()(const argT& argument) const {
169 return madness::apply(*this,argument);
170 }
176 };
179 /// orthogonality projector
181 /// projects out the space given in the constructor
182 /// \f[
183 /// |result> = |f> - \sum_p |p><p|f>
184 /// \f]
185 template<typename T, std::size_t NDIM>
186 class QProjector : public ProjectorBase {
187 typedef std::vector<Function<T,NDIM> > vecfuncT;
189 public:
191 /// default ctor
192 QProjector() = default;
194 /// constructor with symmetric bra and ket spaces
195 [[deprecated]] QProjector(World& world, const vecfuncT& amo) : O(amo) {};
197 /// constructor with asymmetric bra and ket spaces
198 [[deprecated]] QProjector(World& world, const vecfuncT& bra, const vecfuncT& ket)
199 : O(bra,ket) {};
201 /// constructor with symmetric bra and ket spaces
202 QProjector(const vecfuncT& amo) : O(amo) {};
204 /// constructor with asymmetric bra and ket spaces
205 QProjector(const vecfuncT& bra, const vecfuncT& ket)
206 : O(bra,ket) {};
208 /// copy ctor
209 QProjector(const QProjector& other) = default;
211 std::string type() const override {return "QProjector";}
213 void set_spaces(const vecfuncT& p) {
214 O.set_spaces(p);
215 }
217 void set_spaces(const vecfuncT& bra, const vecfuncT& ket) {
218 O.set_spaces(bra,ket);
219 }
222 return (rhs-O(rhs)).truncate();
223 }
225 vecfuncT operator()(const vecfuncT& rhs) const {
226 if (rhs.size()==0) return vecfuncT();
227 vecfuncT result=rhs-O(rhs);
228 truncate(result[0].world(),result);
229 return result;
230 }
233 return f-O(f,particle);
234 }
236 template<typename argT>
237 argT operator()(const argT& argument) const {
238 return madness::apply(*this,argument);
239 }
241 vecfuncT get_bra_vector() const {return O.get_bra_vector();}
243 vecfuncT get_ket_vector() const {return O.get_ket_vector();}
247 void set_particle(const int p) override {
248 O.set_particle(p);
249 particle=p;
250 }
252 int get_particle() const override {
253 return O.get_particle();
254 }
256 private:
258 };
260 /// a SO projector class
262 /// The SO projector is defined as
263 /// Q12 = (1-O1)(1-O2),
264 /// O = \sum_i | i >< i |
265 /// where O1 and O2 are projectors for electron 1 and 2 on the occupied space
266 /// As a special case there might be a similarity transformed occupied
267 /// space, resulting in different bras and kets
268 template<typename T, std::size_t NDIM>
271 typedef std::vector<Function<T,NDIM> > vecfuncT;
273 public:
275 /// default ctor
278 std::string type() const override {return "SOProjector";}
280 /// set the same spaces for the projectors for particle 1 and 2
281 void set_spaces(const vecfuncT& p) {
282 ket1_=p;
283 bra1_=p;
284 ket2_=p;
285 bra2_=p;
286 }
288 /// set different spaces for the projectors for particle 1 and 2
290 /// the SO projector is
291 /// Q12 = (1 - O1) (1 - O2)
292 /// O1 = \sum_i | ket1_i >< bra1_i |
293 /// O2 = \sum_i | ket2_i >< bra2_i |
294 /// this case occurs for a similarity transformed Q12
295 void set_spaces(const vecfuncT& bra1, const vecfuncT& ket1,
296 const vecfuncT& bra2, const vecfuncT& ket2) {
297 ket1_=ket1;
298 bra1_=bra1;
299 ket2_=ket2;
300 bra2_=bra2;
301 MADNESS_CHECK_THROW(ket1.size()==bra1.size(), "bra1 and ket1 spaces must have the same size in SOprojector");
302 MADNESS_CHECK_THROW(ket2.size()==bra2.size(), "bra2 and ket2 spaces must have the same size in SOprojector");
303 }
305 /// return the orbital space for the ket of particle 1
306 vecfuncT ket1() const {return ket1_;}
308 /// return the orbital space for the bra of particle 1
309 vecfuncT bra1() const {return bra1_;}
311 /// return the orbital space for the ket of particle 2
312 vecfuncT ket2() const {return ket2_;}
314 /// return the orbital space for the bra of particle 2
315 vecfuncT bra2() const {return bra2_;}
317 void set_particle(const int p) override {
318 MADNESS_EXCEPTION("You cannot set a particle in the SO projector",1);
319 }
321 template<typename argT>
322 argT operator()(const argT& argument) const {
323 return madness::apply(*this,argument);
324 }
326 /// apply the projection parts of the strong orthogonality operator Q12 on a function f
328 /// The SO operator is defined as 1-O1-O2+O1O2, where O1 and O2 are projectors
329 /// return the term -O1-O2+O1O2 only, such that Q12 f = 1 + outer(result.first,result.second)
330 std::pair<std::vector<Function<T,NDIM>>,std::vector<Function<T,NDIM>>>
332 // Eq. (A9): g_kl = < k(1) l(2) | f(1,2) >
333 // note no (kl) symmetry here!
334 reconstruct(world, bra1_, false);
335 reconstruct(world, bra2_, true);
336 Tensor<double> g_kl(bra1_.size(), bra2_.size());
337 for (size_t k = 0; k < bra1_.size(); ++k) {
338 for (size_t l = 0; l < bra2_.size(); ++l) {
341 g_kl(k, l) = inner(f, kl);
342 }
343 }
345 // Eq. (A12)
346 // project out the mainly first particle: O1 (1 - 1/2 O2)
347 std::vector<Function<T, NDIM>> h2(bra1_.size());
348 std::vector<Function<T, NDIM>> h1(ket2_.size());
349 reconstruct(world, bra1_, false);
350 reconstruct(world, bra2_, true);
351 for (size_t k = 0; k < bra1_.size(); ++k) {
353 // project out the mainly first particle: O1 (1 - 1/2 O2): first term
354 // Eq. (A10)
355 h2[k] = f.project_out(bra1_[k], 0);
357 // project out the mainly second particle: O2 (1 - 1/2 O1): first term
358 // Eq. (A11)
359 std::size_t l = k;
360 h1[l] = f.project_out(bra2_[l], 1);
362 }
364 // Transforms a vector of functions according to new[i] = sum[j] old[j]*c[j,i]
365 // project out the mainly first particle: O1 (1 - 1/2 O2): second term
366 // Eq. (A12), (A13)
367 h2 -= transform(world, ket2_, 0.5 * transpose(g_kl), false); // ordering g(k,l) is correct
368 h1 -= transform(world, ket1_, 0.5 * g_kl, true); // ordering g(k,l) is correct
369 // aka
370 // for (size_t l=0; l<ket2_.size(); ++l) {
371 // h2[k]-=0.5*g_kl(k,l)*ket2_[l];
372 // }
380 auto left=append(ket1_,h1);
381 auto right=append(h2,ket2_);
382 return std::make_pair(-1.0*left,right);
383 }
385 /// apply the strong orthogonality operator Q12 on a function f
387 /// notation of the equations follows
388 /// J. Chem. Phys., vol. 139, no. 11, p. 114106, 2013.
391 // simple and it works for higher accuracies, but might be
392 // imprecise for lower accuracies
393// return (f-O1(f)-O2(f)+O1(O2(f))).truncate().reduce_rank();
395 auto [left,right]=get_vectors_for_outer_product(f);
397 // temporarily tighten the threshold
399 double tight_thresh=thresh*0.1;
402 auto tmp=hartree_product(left,right);
403 tmp.truncate(thresh*0.3);
406 Function<T, 2 * NDIM> result = copy(f);
407 result+=tmp;
408 result.truncate(thresh).reduce_rank();
409 return result;
410 }
412 private:
414 /// the world
417 /// the spaces of the projector of particles 1 and 2
418 std::vector<Function<T,NDIM> > ket1_, bra1_, ket2_, bra2_;
420 };
423 /// an outer product of two projectors
424 template<typename projT, typename projQ>
428 public:
430 OuterProjector() = default;
431 OuterProjector(const projT& p0, const projQ& p1) : projector0(p0), projector1(p1) {
432 static_assert(std::is_base_of<ProjectorBase,projT>::value, "projT must be a ProjectorBase");
433 static_assert(std::is_base_of<ProjectorBase,projQ>::value, "projQ must be a ProjectorBase");
434 projector0.set_particle(0);
435 projector1.set_particle(1);
436 }
438 std::string type() const override {
439 return "OuterProjector";
440 }
442 template<typename resultT>
443 resultT operator()(const resultT& argument) const {
445 if (projector0.type()=="PProjector") return projector1(projector0(argument));
446 return projector0(projector1(argument));
447 }
448 };
450// template<typename projT, typename projQ>
451// OuterProjector<projT, projQ> outer(const projT& p0 , const projQ& p1) {
452// return OuterProjector<projT, projQ>(p0, p1);
453// }
455 template<typename projT, typename projQ>
456 typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<ProjectorBase,projT>::value, OuterProjector<projT,projQ>>::type
457 outer(const projT& p0 , const projQ& p1) {
458 return OuterProjector<projT, projQ>(p0, p1);
459 }
462#endif /* PROJECTOR_H_ */
a 6D function, either in full or low rank form, possibly including an 2-particle function
Definition ccpairfunction.h:373
Factory for facile setup of a CompositeFunctorInterface and its FuncImpl.
Definition function_factory.h:321
CompositeFactory & particle1(const Function< T, MDIM > &f)
Definition function_factory.h:384
CompositeFactory & particle2(const Function< T, MDIM > &f)
Definition function_factory.h:400
static void set_thresh(double value)
Sets the default threshold.
Definition funcdefaults.h:183
static const double & get_thresh()
Returns the default threshold.
Definition funcdefaults.h:176
A multiresolution adaptive numerical function.
Definition mra.h:139
Function< T, NDIM > & truncate(double tol=0.0, bool fence=true)
Truncate the function with optional fence. Compresses with fence if not compressed.
Definition mra.h:627
an outer product of two projectors
Definition projector.h:425
std::string type() const override
Definition projector.h:438
resultT operator()(const resultT &argument) const
Definition projector.h:443
OuterProjector(const projT &p0, const projQ &p1)
Definition projector.h:431
projQ projector1
Definition projector.h:427
projT projector0
Definition projector.h:426
Definition projector.h:17
int particle
a projector might work only on a subset of dimensions, e.g. P(1) | \psi(1,2) >
Definition projector.h:20
virtual std::string type() const =0
virtual int get_particle() const
Definition projector.h:28
virtual ~ProjectorBase()
Definition projector.h:22
virtual void set_particle(const int p)
Definition projector.h:23
simple projector class
Definition projector.h:45
Projector(const Function< T, NDIM > &mo)
simple constructor with only one orbital to project
Definition projector.h:62
std::vector< Function< T, NDIM > > mo_ket_
the space onto which the test functions will be projected: |ket>
Definition projector.h:51
std::vector< funcT > vecfuncT
Definition projector.h:48
std::pair< std::vector< Function< T, NDIM > >, std::vector< Function< T, NDIM > > > get_vectors_for_outer_product(const Function< T, 2 *NDIM > &f) const
apply the projection parts of the operator on a function f
Definition projector.h:150
funcT operator()(const funcT &f) const
project f on p:
Definition projector.h:108
void set_spaces(const vecfuncT &p)
Definition projector.h:88
std::enable_if< KDIM==2 *NDIM, Function< T, KDIM > >::type operator()(const Function< T, KDIM > &f, int particle1=-1) const
Definition projector.h:137
virtual std::string type() const override
Definition projector.h:99
Projector(const funcT &bra, const funcT &ket)
simple constructor with only one orbital to project
Definition projector.h:68
Projector(const vecfuncT &bra, const vecfuncT &ket)
constructor with a set of orbitals to project out
Definition projector.h:83
vecfuncT operator()(const vecfuncT &f) const
project f on p:
Definition projector.h:119
std::vector< Function< T, NDIM > > mo_bra_
the dual space onto which the test functions will be projected: <bra|
Definition projector.h:53
vecfuncT get_bra_vector() const
Definition projector.h:172
Function< T, NDIM > funcT
Definition projector.h:47
vecfuncT get_ket_vector() const
Definition projector.h:174
Definition projector.h:57
std::enable_if<!std::is_same< argT, Function< T, 2 *NDIM > >::value, argT >::type operator()(const argT &argument) const
Definition projector.h:168
void set_spaces(const vecfuncT &bra, const vecfuncT &ket)
Definition projector.h:93
Projector(const vecfuncT &p)
constructor with a set of orbitals to project out
Definition projector.h:76
orthogonality projector
Definition projector.h:186
QProjector(const vecfuncT &bra, const vecfuncT &ket)
constructor with asymmetric bra and ket spaces
Definition projector.h:205
QProjector(const vecfuncT &amo)
constructor with symmetric bra and ket spaces
Definition projector.h:202
void set_spaces(const vecfuncT &bra, const vecfuncT &ket)
Definition projector.h:217
vecfuncT get_bra_vector() const
Definition projector.h:241
QProjector(World &world, const vecfuncT &bra, const vecfuncT &ket)
constructor with asymmetric bra and ket spaces
Definition projector.h:198
void set_particle(const int p) override
Definition projector.h:247
argT operator()(const argT &argument) const
Definition projector.h:237
std::vector< Function< T, NDIM > > vecfuncT
Definition projector.h:187
Projector< T, NDIM > get_P_projector() const
Definition projector.h:245
int get_particle() const override
Definition projector.h:252
QProjector(World &world, const vecfuncT &amo)
constructor with symmetric bra and ket spaces
Definition projector.h:195
Function< T, NDIM > operator()(const Function< T, NDIM > &rhs) const
Definition projector.h:221
Projector< T, NDIM > O
Definition projector.h:257
void set_spaces(const vecfuncT &p)
Definition projector.h:213
default ctor
vecfuncT get_ket_vector() const
Definition projector.h:243
vecfuncT operator()(const vecfuncT &rhs) const
Definition projector.h:225
std::string type() const override
Definition projector.h:211
Function< T, 2 *NDIM > operator()(const Function< T, 2 *NDIM > &f, const size_t particle=-1) const
Definition projector.h:232
QProjector(const QProjector &other)=default
copy ctor
a SO projector class
Definition projector.h:269
vecfuncT bra2() const
return the orbital space for the bra of particle 2
Definition projector.h:315
std::vector< Function< T, NDIM > > vecfuncT
Definition projector.h:271
std::string type() const override
Definition projector.h:278
void set_spaces(const vecfuncT &bra1, const vecfuncT &ket1, const vecfuncT &bra2, const vecfuncT &ket2)
set different spaces for the projectors for particle 1 and 2
Definition projector.h:295
StrongOrthogonalityProjector(World &world)
default ctor
Definition projector.h:276
vecfuncT ket2() const
return the orbital space for the ket of particle 2
Definition projector.h:312
vecfuncT bra1() const
return the orbital space for the bra of particle 1
Definition projector.h:309
World & world
the world
Definition projector.h:415
argT operator()(const argT &argument) const
Definition projector.h:322
void set_particle(const int p) override
Definition projector.h:317
Function< T, 2 *NDIM > operator()(const Function< T, 2 *NDIM > &f) const
apply the strong orthogonality operator Q12 on a function f
Definition projector.h:389
std::vector< Function< T, NDIM > > bra2_
Definition projector.h:418
vecfuncT ket1() const
return the orbital space for the ket of particle 1
Definition projector.h:306
std::vector< Function< T, NDIM > > bra1_
Definition projector.h:418
std::vector< Function< T, NDIM > > ket1_
the spaces of the projector of particles 1 and 2
Definition projector.h:418
std::vector< Function< T, NDIM > > ket2_
Definition projector.h:418
std::pair< std::vector< Function< T, NDIM > >, std::vector< Function< T, NDIM > > > get_vectors_for_outer_product(const Function< T, 2 *NDIM > &f) const
apply the projection parts of the strong orthogonality operator Q12 on a function f
Definition projector.h:331
void set_spaces(const vecfuncT &p)
set the same spaces for the projectors for particle 1 and 2
Definition projector.h:281
A tensor is a multidimensional array.
Definition tensor.h:317
void fence(bool debug=false)
Synchronizes all processes in communicator AND globally ensures no pending AM or tasks.
A parallel world class.
Definition world.h:132
WorldGopInterface & gop
Global operations.
Definition world.h:207
char * p(char *buf, const char *name, int k, int initial_level, double thresh, int order)
#define MADNESS_EXCEPTION(msg, value)
Macro for throwing a MADNESS exception.
Definition madness_exception.h:119
#define MADNESS_CHECK_THROW(condition, msg)
Check a condition — even in a release build the condition is always evaluated so it can have side eff...
Definition madness_exception.h:207
Main include file for MADNESS and defines Function interface.
Namespace for all elements and tools of MADNESS.
Definition DFParameters.h:10
const std::vector< Function< T, NDIM > > & change_tree_state(const std::vector< Function< T, NDIM > > &v, const TreeState finalstate, const bool fence=true)
change tree state of the functions
Definition vmra.h:252
void truncate(World &world, response_space &v, double tol, bool fence)
std::vector< Function< TENSOR_RESULT_TYPE(T, R), NDIM > > transform(World &world, const std::vector< Function< T, NDIM > > &v, const Tensor< R > &c, bool fence=true)
Transforms a vector of functions according to new[i] = sum[j] old[j]*c[j,i].
Definition vmra.h:664
@ reconstructed
s coeffs at the leaves only
Definition funcdefaults.h:60
const std::vector< Function< T, NDIM > > & reconstruct(const std::vector< Function< T, NDIM > > &v)
reconstruct a vector of functions
Definition vmra.h:158
response_space transpose(response_space &f)
std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< ProjectorBase, projT >::value, OuterProjector< projT, projQ > >::type outer(const projT &p0, const projQ &p1)
Definition projector.h:457
response_space apply(World &world, std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< real_convolution_3d > > > &op, response_space &f)
std::vector< Function< T, NDIM > > append(const std::vector< Function< T, NDIM > > &lhs, const std::vector< Function< T, NDIM > > &rhs)
combine two vectors
Definition vmra.h:624
NDIM & f
Definition mra.h:2462
double inner(response_space &a, response_space &b)
Definition response_functions.h:442
std::string type(const PairType &n)
Definition PNOParameters.h:18
void matrix_inner(DistributedMatrix< T > &A, const std::vector< Function< T, NDIM > > &f, const std::vector< Function< T, NDIM > > &g, bool sym=false)
Function< T, KDIM+LDIM > hartree_product(const std::vector< Function< T, KDIM > > &left, const std::vector< Function< T, LDIM > > &right)
Performs a Hartree/outer product on the two given low-dimensional function vectors.
Definition mra.h:1878
Function< T, NDIM > copy(const Function< T, NDIM > &f, const std::shared_ptr< WorldDCPmapInterface< Key< NDIM > > > &pmap, bool fence=true)
Create a new copy of the function with different distribution and optional fence.
Definition mra.h:2048
static const double thresh
static const long k
Definition lowrankfunction.h:332
int P