MADNESS 0.10.1
Collaboration diagram for MADNESS basics:

Additional documentation and instructions exist in several places:

For basic computing with MADNESS functions, the only header file that you should need to include is <mra/mra.h>. Advanced programs may need a few others. You should include the directory in the include path to avoid possible conflicts with similarly named files from other packages. In the following documentation trunk will denote the top-level directory of the MADNESS distribution.

From math to C++ to numerical computation

A perhaps more up to date version of this example is here.

This section shows you how to use MADNESS and evaluate a simple mathematical expression, notably this one dimensional integral.

\int_{0}^{10} \sin (x) \mathit{dx} = 1 - \cos(10) \doteq 1.8390715

The corresponding code is in trunk/src/examples/, and we will go through this first example in gory detail. The main steps will be

  1. translating the function from math to C++ to be called by MADNESS
  2. initializing the MADNESS parallel runtime
  3. initializing the MADNESS numerical environment
  4. generating a numerical representation from the C++ function
  5. computing the integral
  6. printing the result
  7. terminating the MADNESS parallel runtime
  8. compiling your program
  9. running your program
Step 1 – translating from Math to C++

MADNESS generates a numerical representation of a function ( $ f(x) $) by projecting into its internal, orthonormal basis, $\{\phi _{li}^{n}(x)\}$, see Mra for more detail. This involves computing many integrals of the form

s_{li}^{n} = \int \phi _{li}^{n}(x) f(x) \mathit{dx}

using adaptive numerical quadrature. Thus, MADNESS has to be able to evaluate your function at an arbitrary point, and so you must provide it with a C++ implementation of your function using a standard interface. MADNESS passes to your function the coordinates (an array of the appropriate dimension) and you return the value. For simple functions, a C++ function suffices whereas more complicated stuff might require a C++ class (see a subsequent example).

For this example, we wish to evaluate the function $\sin(x)$ where $x$ is a 1-D coordinate. The example code looks like

double myf(const coord_1d& r) {
return std::sin(r[0]);
double myf(const coord_1d &r)

If your function were in 3-D it would be passed a coord_3d that would have 3 elements (0, 1, and 2) that you might interpret as $(x, y, z)$ or $(r, \theta, \phi)$ or something else as defined by your problem. A very useful capability of both Maple and Mathematica is to generate C from expressions or functions, though the resulting code often requires a little cleanup.

  • If your function contains discontinuities (in value or derivatives), noise, or singularities, special care is needed. This is discussed in more detail below, but the simple rule of thumb is your function should be accurate nearly to machine precision even if you only want to compute to much lower precision with MADNESS.
  • MADNESS will call your function from multiple threads in order to use multi-core processors efficiently, so the code for your function should be thread safe. It should not modify static (Fortran keyword save) or global (Fortran common blocks or modules) data; reading from such locations is fine. Note that this constraint applies to all code invoked by your function, including math, BLAS, and linear algebra libraries and for some machines/compilers it requires special options be used (the MADNESS makefiles look after this). If you suspect a thread problem, try running with the environment variable MAD_NUM_THREADS set to one.
  • If you are using the AMD math library ACML, do not set the environmental variable OMP_NUM_THREADS (or set it to one).
Steps 2, 3 and 7 – initializing and finalizing the MADNESS environment

MADNESS has its own parallel runtime environment that is fully compatible with the Message Passing Interface (MPI). Just as for MPI, the MADNESS runtime must be initialized at the start and cleaned up at the end. Here is the simplest parallel program using MADNESS.

using namespace madness;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
initialize(argc, argv);
startup(world, argc, argv);
// Do something useful here!
return 0;
A parallel world class.
Definition world.h:132
Main include file for MADNESS and defines Function interface.
Intracomm COMM_WORLD
Namespace for all elements and tools of MADNESS.
Definition DFParameters.h:10
void initialize(World &world)
int main()

The World object in MADNESS is similar to an MPI communicator (each World is associated with a communicator) but contains all of the information necessary to provide the rich functionality of the MADNESS runtime. Instead of calling MPI::Init() and MPI::Finalize(), a MADNESS program invokes madness::initialize() and madness::finalize() (call madness::initialized() to check that MADNESS had been initialized). The routine madness::startup() initializes the MADNESS numerical environment.

Step 4 – generating a numerical representation

We implemented the C++ function above (myf) and the domain is specified by the problem as $x\in [0,10]$. Presently, all functions of a given dimension being used by a program are assumed to have the same, default domain. We will use the default precision (1e-6 in the L2-norm – most errors in MADNESS use this norm).

FunctionDefaults holds default paramaters as static class members.
Definition funcdefaults.h:100
FunctionFactory implements the named-parameter idiom for Function.
Definition function_factory.h:86
FunctionFactory & f(T(*f)(const coordT &))
Definition function_factory.h:180
A multiresolution adaptive numerical function.
Definition mra.h:139
double(* f)(const coord_3d &)

The first line sets the domain and the second makes a numerical representation of your function. The slightly unusual form of the constructor for a MADNESS function is called the "named parameter idiom." The first version of MADNESS was written in Python, which provides named parameters that can have default values. To override the default for some parameter only required specifying its name. However, C++ does not provide named parameters and the closest we can get to them is the above idiom. To make a Function what you are actually doing is making a FunctionFactory associated with a World, overriding defaults inside the factory, and then constructing a function from the factory. The default function is zero, so to make a zero 1D function we would just type

In the second line, to generate a MADNESS Function from your C++ function we override the default with the desired function pointer.

Step 5 – computing the integral

The integral of a function over the whole domain is computed with the trace() function, c.f.,

double integral = f.trace();
This is a collective parallel operation. If you are running in parallel, the numerical representation of your function is distributed across multiple processors, so adding up the result requires collective communication (the equivalent of MPI's All_reduce()). Therefore, every process associated with the World must execute this statement; otherwise your program will hang if it is running in parallel using MPI.
Step 6 – printing the result

If you only want to run sequentially, just print your data in any of the myriad ways possible using C++. However, if you ever want to run in parallel across multiple nodes using MPI you should from the outset get in the habit of writing the following instead

if (world.rank() == 0) print("The result is ", integral);
void print(const tensorT &t)

The critical ingredient is the if-test that ensures only one process actually does the printing (in this case process zero, but that choice is arbitrary). If you don't do this, your output will be unexpectedly verbose. The templated routine print() is just a convenience wrapper around cout << that automatically inserts spaces between elements and a newline at the end.

We assigned the result of f.trace() to a variable because trace is a collective, but printing is serial. Anecdotally, at least 90% of hanging parallel programs are due to getting this wrong.
The complete program

Your complete program, trunk/src/apps/, looks like this

using namespace madness;
double myf(const coord_1d& r) {
return std::sin(r[0]);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
initialize(argc, argv);
doub le integral = f.trace();
if (world.rank() == 0) print("The result is", integral);
return 0;
A simple, fixed dimension vector.
Definition vector.h:64

Yes, this is rather verbose for integrating $\sin(x)$ in 1D, but you should already be able to see that most of it is boiler plate. You could be integrating a much more complicated function in 4-D with only little more personal effort (the computer might have to work a lot harder though).

Previous: Getting started with MADNESS; Next: Compiling and running MADNESS programs