| archive.cc |
| Definitions of serialization functions.
| archive.h |
| Interface templates for the archives (serialization).
| archive_type_names.cc |
| Defines archive type names for supported (by default) types.
| array_addons.h |
| Supplements to the std::array class, such as I/O operations, for convenience.
| atomicint.h |
| Implements AtomicInt .
| bgq_atomics.h |
| binary_fstream_archive.cc |
| Implements an archive wrapping a binary filestream.
| binary_fstream_archive.h |
| Implements an archive wrapping a binary filestream.
| binsorter.h |
| buffer_archive.h |
| Implements an archive wrapping a memory buffer.
| cereal_archive.h |
| cloud.h |
| Declares the Cloud class for storing data and transfering them between worlds.
| debug.cc |
| deferred_cleanup.cc |
| deferred_cleanup.h |
| dependency_interface.h |
| Defines DependencyInterface and CallbackInterface .
| dist_cache.h |
| distributed_id.h |
| dqueue.h |
| Implements DQueue.
| function_traits.h |
| future.cc |
| Implementations for Future and related functions.
| future.h |
| Implements Future and related items.
| group.cc |
| group.h |
| lookup3.c |
| madness_exception.cc |
| Implementation of madness::MadnessException .
| madness_exception.h |
| Defines madness::MadnessException for exception handling.
| MADworld.h |
| This header should include pretty much everything needed for the parallel runtime.
| mem_func_wrapper.h |
| Defines tools for encapsulating a pointer to a member function.
| meta.h |
| mpi_archive.h |
| Implements archives to serialize data for MPI.
| nodefaults.h |
| Implements NO_DEFAULTS.
| parallel_archive.h |
| Implements ParallelInputArchive and ParallelOutputArchive for parallel serialization of data.
| parallel_dc_archive.h |
| parsec.cc |
| parsec.h |
| posixmem.h |
| Implement dummy posix_memalign if it is missing on the system.
| print.cc |
| Implementation of functions defined in print.h.
| print.h |
| Defines simple templates for printing to std::cout "a la Python".
| print_seq.h |
| Implements print_seq .
| range.h |
| Implement the Range class for parallel iteration.
| redirectio.cc |
| safempi.cc |
| safempi.h |
| Serializes calls to MPI in case it does not support THREAD_MULTIPLE.
| stack.h |
| Implement Stack for a fixed-size stack container.
| stubmpi.h |
| taskfn.h |
| test_ar.cc |
| test_atomicint.cc |
| test_binsorter.cc |
| test_dc.cc |
| test_future.cc |
| test_future2.cc |
| test_future3.cc |
| test_googletest.cc |
| test_hashdc.cc |
| test_hashthreaded.cc |
| test_hello.cc |
| test_list.cc |
| test_mpihang.cc |
| test_papi.cc |
| test_prof.cc |
| test_queue.cc |
| test_sig.cc |
| test_stack.cc |
| test_sysctl.c |
| test_tree.cc |
| test_utilities.h |
| test_vec.cc |
| test_vector.cc |
| test_world.cc |
| test_worldprofile.cc |
| test_worldptr.cc |
| test_worldref.cc |
| text_fstream_archive.cc |
| Implements an archive wrapping text filestream.
| text_fstream_archive.h |
| Implements an archive wrapping text filestream.
| thread.cc |
| Implements Dqueue, Thread, ThreadBase and ThreadPool.
| thread.h |
| Implements Dqueue, Thread, ThreadBase and ThreadPool.
| thread_info.h |
| Implements thread introspection.
| timers.cc |
| Implementation of functions for timers, etc.
| timers.h |
| Wrappers around platform dependent timers and performance info.
| timing_utilities.h |
| type_traits.h |
| uniqueid.h |
| units.cc |
| units.h |
| vector.h |
| Implement the madness:Vector class, an extension of std::array that supports some mathematical operations.
| vector_archive.h |
| Implements an archive wrapping an STL vector .
| world.cc |
| Implementation of the World class and associated functions.
| world.h |
| Declares the World class for the parallel runtime environment.
| world_object.h |
| Defines and implements WorldObject .
| world_task_queue.cc |
| Implementation of TaskInterface and WorldTaskQueue functions.
| world_task_queue.h |
| Defines TaskInterface and implements WorldTaskQueue and associated stuff.
| worldam.cc |
| worldam.h |
| Implements active message layer for World on top of RMI layer.
| worlddc.h |
| Implements WorldContainer.
| worldgop.cc |
| worldgop.h |
| Implements global operations.
| worldhash.h |
| Defines hash functions for use in distributed containers.
| worldhashmap.h |
| Defines and implements a concurrent hashmap.
| worldinit.h |
| Declares the functions that initialize the parallel runtime.
| worldmem.cc |
| worldmem.h |
| worldmpi.cc |
| Several variables needed for WorldMPI .
| worldmpi.h |
| Implements WorldMpiInterface .
| worldmutex.cc |
| worldmutex.h |
| Implements Mutex, MutexFair, Spinlock, ConditionVariable.
| worldpapi.cc |
| worldpapi.h |
| worldprofile.cc |
| worldprofile.h |
| worldptr.h |
| The madness::detail::WorldPtr class for global pointers.
| worldref.cc |
| worldref.h |
| Implements RemoteReference which is for internal use.
| worldrmi.cc |
| worldrmi.h |
| Lowest level API for sending active messages — you should probably be looking at worldam.h instead.
| worldtypes.h |
| Defines types used by the parallel runtime.