MADNESS 0.10.1
madness::SVDTensor< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for madness::SVDTensor< T >, including all inherited members.

add_SVD(const SRConf< T > &rhs, const double &thresh)madness::SRConf< T >inline
append(const SRConf< T > &rhs, const double fac=1.0)madness::SRConf< T >inline
append(const SRConf< T > &rhs, const double_complex fac=1.0)madness::SRConf< T >inline
c0(const int idim) constmadness::SRConf< T >inline
check_dimensions() constmadness::SRConf< T >inlineprotected
check_orthonormalitymadness::SRConf< T >static
check_right_orthonormality() constmadness::SRConf< T >inlineprotected
clear()madness::SRConf< T >inline
compute_randomized_svd(const Tensor< T > &tensor, const double &eps, std::array< long, 2 > vectordim={0, 0})madness::SVDTensor< T >static
compute_svd(const Tensor< T > &tensor, const double &eps, std::array< long, 2 > vectordim={0, 0})madness::SVDTensor< T >static
compute_svd_from_range(const Tensor< T > &range, const Tensor< T > &matrix)madness::SVDTensor< T >static
concatenate(const std::list< SVDTensor< T > > &addends)madness::SVDTensor< T >inlinestatic
conforms(const BaseTensor *t) constmadness::BaseTensorinline
copymadness::SVDTensor< T >friend
copy_slice(const std::array< Slice, TENSOR_MAXDIM > &s) constmadness::SRConf< T >inline
cycledim_inplace(long shift, long start, long end)madness::BaseTensorprotected
dim(int i) constmadness::BaseTensorinline
dim_per_vector(int idim) constmadness::SRConf< T >inline
dims() constmadness::BaseTensorinline
divide_and_conquer_reduce(const double &thresh)madness::SVDTensor< T >
emul(const SVDTensor< T > &other)madness::SVDTensor< T >inline
madness::SRConf::emul(const SRConf< T > &other)madness::SRConf< T >inline
fillWithRandom(const long &rank=1)madness::SRConf< T >inlineprotected
flat_vector(const unsigned int &idim) constmadness::SRConf< T >inline
flat_vector(const unsigned int &idim)madness::SRConf< T >inline
flat_vector_with_weights(const int dim) constmadness::SRConf< T >inline
float_scalar_type typedefmadness::SRConf< T >private
fusedim_inplace(long i)madness::BaseTensorprotected
gaxpy(T alpha, const SVDTensor< T > &rhs, T beta)madness::SVDTensor< T >inline
general_transformmadness::SVDTensor< T >friend
madness::SRConf::general_transform(const Tensor< Q > c[]) constmadness::SRConf< T >inline
get_configs(const int &start, const int &end) constmadness::SRConf< T >inline
has_data() constmadness::SRConf< T >inline
has_no_data() constmadness::SRConf< T >inline
has_structure() constmadness::SRConf< T >inline
id() constmadness::BaseTensorinline
inplace_add(const SRConf< T > &rhs, std::array< Slice, TENSOR_MAXDIM > lhs_s, std::array< Slice, TENSOR_MAXDIM > rhs_s, const double alpha, const double beta)madness::SRConf< T >inlineprotected
is_flat() constmadness::SRConf< T >inlineprotected
iscontiguous() constmadness::BaseTensorinline
kVec(const int idim) constmadness::SRConf< T >inline
make_empty_vectors_and_weights(const long rank)madness::SRConf< T >inline
make_left_vector_with_weights() constmadness::SRConf< T >inlineprotected
make_slices()madness::SRConf< T >inlineprotected
make_slices(const std::array< Slice, TENSOR_MAXDIM > &s) constmadness::SRConf< T >inlineprotected
make_structure(bool force=false)madness::SRConf< T >inlineprotected
make_vector_dimensions(const long rank) constmadness::SRConf< T >inline
make_vector_with_weights(const int dim) constmadness::SRConf< T >inline
mapdim_inplace(const std::vector< long > &map)madness::BaseTensorprotected
max_sigma(const double &thresh, const long &rank, const Tensor< double > &w)madness::SRConf< T >inlinestatic
nci_leftmadness::SRConf< T >
nCoeff() constmadness::SVDTensor< T >inline
ndim() constmadness::BaseTensorinline
normalize()madness::SRConf< T >inlineprotected
normf() constmadness::SRConf< T >inlineprotected
operator=(const T &number)madness::SVDTensor< T >inline
madness::SRConf::operator=(const SRConf &rhs)madness::SRConf< T >inline
orthonormalize(const double &thresh)madness::SVDTensor< T >
orthonormalize_random(const double &thresh)madness::SVDTensor< T >
outermadness::SVDTensor< T >friend
rank() constmadness::SVDTensor< T >inline
real_size() constmadness::SRConf< T >inlineprotected
recompute_from_range(const Tensor< T > &range)madness::SVDTensor< T >
reconstruct() constmadness::SRConf< T >inline
reducemadness::SVDTensor< T >friend
reduction_algorithm()madness::SVDTensor< T >static
ref_vector(const unsigned int &idim)madness::SRConf< T >inline
ref_vector(const unsigned int &idim) constmadness::SRConf< T >inline
reshape_inplace(const std::vector< long > &d)madness::BaseTensorprotected
reshape_inplace(int ndimnew, const long *d)madness::BaseTensorprotected
s0madness::SRConf< T >
s1madness::SRConf< T >
scalar_type typedefmadness::SRConf< T >private
scale(const double &fac)madness::SRConf< T >inlineprotected
scale(const double_complex &fac)madness::SRConf< T >inlineprotected
serialize(Archive &ar)madness::SRConf< T >inline
set_dims_and_size(long nd, const long d[])madness::BaseTensorinlineprotected
set_reduction_algorithm(const std::string alg)madness::SVDTensor< T >static
set_size_and_dim(long ndim, long k)madness::SRConf< T >inline
set_vectors_and_weights(const Tensor< typename Tensor< T >::scalar_type > &weights, const Tensor< T > &vector1, const Tensor< T > &vector2)madness::SRConf< T >inline
size() constmadness::BaseTensorinline
splitdim_inplace(long i, long dimi0, long dimi1)madness::BaseTensorprotected
SRConf()madness::SRConf< T >inline
SRConf(const long &ndim, const long *dimensions, const long nci)madness::SRConf< T >inline
SRConf(const long &ndim, const std::array< long, TENSOR_MAXDIM > &dimensions, const long nci)madness::SRConf< T >inline
SRConf(const SRConf &rhs)=defaultmadness::SRConf< T >
SRConf(const Tensor< double > &weights, const std::vector< Tensor< T > > &vectors, const long &ndim, const long &dims, const long nci)madness::SRConf< T >inline
SRConf(const Tensor< double > &weights, const tensorT &vector1, const tensorT &vector2, const long &ndim, const long *dims, const long nci)madness::SRConf< T >inline
stride(int i) constmadness::BaseTensorinline
strides() constmadness::BaseTensorinline
svd_normf() constmadness::SRConf< T >inlineprotected
SVDTensor()madness::SVDTensor< T >inline
SVDTensor(const Tensor< T > &rhs, const double eps)madness::SVDTensor< T >inline
SVDTensor(const SVDTensor< T > &rhs)=defaultmadness::SVDTensor< T >
SVDTensor(const SRConf< T > &rhs)madness::SVDTensor< T >inline
SVDTensor(const std::vector< long > &dims)madness::SVDTensor< T >inline
SVDTensor(const long ndims, const long *dims)madness::SVDTensor< T >inline
SVDTensor(const Tensor< double > &weights, const Tensor< T > &vector1, const Tensor< T > &vector2, const long &ndim, const long *dims)madness::SVDTensor< T >inline
swapdim_inplace(long i, long j)madness::BaseTensorprotected
tensorT typedefmadness::SRConf< T >
trace(const SRConf< T > &rhs, const SRConf< Q > &lhs)madness::SRConf< T >inlineprotected
trace(const SRConf< T > &rhs, const SRConf< Q > &lhs)madness::SRConf< T >inlineprotected
transformmadness::SVDTensor< T >friend
madness::SRConf::transform(const Tensor< T > &c) constmadness::SRConf< T >inlineprotected
transform_dirmadness::SVDTensor< T >friend
madness::SRConf::transform_dir(const Tensor< T > &c, const int &axis) constmadness::SRConf< T >inline
truncate_svd(const double &thresh)madness::SVDTensor< T >
vector_madness::SRConf< T >
weights(const unsigned int &i) constmadness::SRConf< T >inline
weights_madness::SRConf< T >
~SRConf()madness::SRConf< T >inline