MADNESS 0.10.1
This is the complete list of members for madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM >, including all inherited members.
abs_inplace(bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
abs_square_inplace(bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
accumulate_timer(const double time) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
accumulate_trees(FunctionImpl< Q, NDIM > &result, const R alpha, const bool fence=true) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
add_keys_to_map(mapT *map, int index) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
add_scalar_inplace(T t, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
am_arg(const Future< T > &f) | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inlineprivatestatic |
am_arg(const T &t) | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inlineprivatestatic |
apply(opT &op, const FunctionImpl< R, NDIM > &f, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
apply_1d_realspace_push(const opT &op, const FunctionImpl< R, NDIM > *f, int axis, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
apply_1d_realspace_push_op(const archive::archive_ptr< const opT > &pop, int axis, const keyT &key, const Tensor< R > &c) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
apply_source_driven(opT &op, const FunctionImpl< R, NDIM > &f, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
assemble_coefficients(const keyT &key, const coeffT &coeff_ket, const coeffT &vpotential1, const coeffT &vpotential2, const tensorT &veri) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
autorefine | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | private |
autorefine_square_test(const keyT &key, const nodeT &t) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
average(const implT &rhs) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
binaryXX(const FunctionImpl< L, NDIM > *left, const FunctionImpl< R, NDIM > *right, const opT &op, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
binaryXXa(const keyT &key, const FunctionImpl< L, NDIM > *left, const Tensor< L > &lcin, const FunctionImpl< R, NDIM > *right, const Tensor< R > &rcin, const opT &op) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
box_interior | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | mutable |
box_leaf | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | mutable |
broaden(const array_of_bools< NDIM > &is_periodic, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
broaden_op(const keyT &key, const std::vector< Future< bool > > &v) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
cdata | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | private |
change_tensor_type1(const TensorArgs &targs, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
change_tree_state(const TreeState finalstate, bool fence=true) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
check_symmetry_local() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
child_patch(const keyT &child) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
chop_at_level(const int n, const bool fence=true) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
coeffs | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | private |
coeffs2values(const keyT &key, const GenTensor< Q > &coeff) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
coeffs2values(const keyT &key, const Tensor< Q > &coeff) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
coeffT typedef | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
compress(const TreeState newstate, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
compress_op(const keyT &key, const std::vector< Future< std::pair< coeffT, double > > > &v, bool nonstandard) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
compress_spawn(const keyT &key, bool nonstandard, bool keepleaves, bool redundant1) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
compute_snorm_and_dnorm(bool fence=true) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
conj(float x) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inlinestatic |
conj(const std::complex< double > x) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inlinestatic |
const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
coordT typedef | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
copy_coeffs(const FunctionImpl< Q, NDIM > &other, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
datumT typedef | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
dcT typedef | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
diff(const DerivativeBase< T, NDIM > *D, const implT *f, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
dirac_convolution_op(const keyT &key, const nodeT &node, FunctionImpl< T, LDIM > *f) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
distribute(std::shared_ptr< WorldDCPmapInterface< Key< NDIM > > > newmap) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
do_apply(const opT *op, const keyT &key, const Tensor< R > &c) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
do_apply_directed_screening(const opT *op, const keyT &key, const coeffT &coeff, const bool &do_kernel) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
do_apply_kernel(const opT *op, const Tensor< R > &c, const do_op_args< OPDIM > &args) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
do_apply_kernel2(const opT *op, const Tensor< R > &c, const do_op_args< OPDIM > &args, const TensorArgs &apply_targs) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
do_apply_kernel3(const opT *op, const GenTensor< R > &coeff, const do_op_args< OPDIM > &args, const TensorArgs &apply_targs) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
do_binary_op(const keyT &key, const Tensor< L > &left, const std::pair< keyT, Tensor< R > > &arg, const opT &op) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
do_diff1(const DerivativeBase< T, NDIM > *D, const implT *f, const keyT &key, const std::pair< keyT, coeffT > &left, const std::pair< keyT, coeffT > ¢er, const std::pair< keyT, coeffT > &right) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
do_dirac_convolution(FunctionImpl< T, LDIM > *f, bool fence) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
do_dot_localX(const typename mapT::iterator lstart, const typename mapT::iterator lend, typename FunctionImpl< R, NDIM >::mapT *rmap_ptr, const bool sym, Tensor< TENSOR_RESULT_TYPE(T, R)> *result_ptr, Mutex *mutex) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inlinestatic |
do_inner_localX(const typename mapT::iterator lstart, const typename mapT::iterator lend, typename FunctionImpl< R, NDIM >::mapT *rmap_ptr, const bool sym, Tensor< TENSOR_RESULT_TYPE(T, R) > *result_ptr, Mutex *mutex) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inlinestatic |
do_mul(const keyT &key, const Tensor< L > &left, const std::pair< keyT, Tensor< R > > &arg) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
do_print_grid(const std::string filename, const std::vector< keyT > &keys) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
do_print_plane(const std::string filename, std::vector< Tensor< double > > plotinfo, const int xaxis, const int yaxis, const coordT el2) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
do_print_tree(const keyT &key, std::ostream &os, Level maxlevel) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
do_print_tree_graphviz(const keyT &key, std::ostream &os, Level maxlevel) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
do_print_tree_json(const keyT &key, std::multimap< Level, std::tuple< tranT, std::string > > &data, Level maxlevel) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
do_project_out(const coeffT &fcoeff, const std::pair< keyT, coeffT > gpair, const keyT &gkey, const Key< NDIM > &dest, const int dim) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
do_square_inplace(const keyT &key) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
do_square_inplace2(const keyT &parent, const keyT &child, const tensorT &parent_coeff) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
dot_local(const std::vector< const FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > * > &left, const std::vector< const FunctionImpl< R, NDIM > * > &right, bool sym) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inlinestatic |
downsample(const keyT &key, const std::vector< Future< coeffT > > &v) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
erase(const Level &max_level) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
err_box(const keyT &key, const nodeT &node, const opT &func, int npt, const Tensor< double > &qx, const Tensor< double > &quad_phit, const Tensor< double > &quad_phiw) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
errsq_local(const opT &func) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
eval(const Vector< double, NDIM > &xin, const keyT &keyin, const typename Future< T >::remote_refT &ref) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
eval_cube(Level n, coordT &x, const tensorT &c) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
eval_local_only(const Vector< double, NDIM > &xin, Level maxlevel) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
eval_plot_cube(const coordT &plotlo, const coordT &plothi, const std::vector< long > &npt, const bool eval_refine=false) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
evaldepthpt(const Vector< double, NDIM > &xin, const keyT &keyin, const typename Future< Level >::remote_refT &ref) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
evalR(const Vector< double, NDIM > &xin, const keyT &keyin, const typename Future< long >::remote_refT &ref) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
exists_and_has_children(const keyT &key) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
exists_and_is_leaf(const keyT &key) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
fcube(const keyT &key, const FunctionFunctorInterface< T, NDIM > &f, const Tensor< double > &qx, tensorT &fval) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
fcube(const keyT &key, T(*f)(const coordT &), const Tensor< double > &qx, tensorT &fval) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
fcube_for_mul(const keyT &child, const keyT &parent, const Tensor< Q > &coeff) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
fcube_for_mul(const keyT &child, const keyT &parent, const GenTensor< Q > &coeff) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
filter(const tensorT &s) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
filter(const coeffT &s) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
finalize_apply() | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
finalize_sum() | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
find_datum(keyT key) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
find_me(const keyT &key) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
flo_unary_op_node_inplace(const opT &op, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
flo_unary_op_node_inplace(const opT &op, bool fence) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
forward_do_diff1(const DerivativeBase< T, NDIM > *D, const implT *f, const keyT &key, const std::pair< keyT, coeffT > &left, const std::pair< keyT, coeffT > ¢er, const std::pair< keyT, coeffT > &right) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
forward_traverse(const coeff_opT &coeff_op, const apply_opT &apply_op, const keyT &key) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
FunctionImpl | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | friend |
FunctionImpl(const FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > &p) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | private |
FunctionImpl(const FunctionFactory< T, NDIM > &factory) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
FunctionImpl(const FunctionImpl< Q, NDIM > &other, const std::shared_ptr< WorldDCPmapInterface< Key< NDIM > > > &pmap, bool dozero) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
functor | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | private |
gaxpy(T alpha, const FunctionImpl< L, NDIM > &left, T beta, const FunctionImpl< R, NDIM > &right, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
gaxpy_ext(const FunctionImpl< L, NDIM > *left, T(*f)(const coordT &), T alpha, T beta, double tol, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
gaxpy_ext_node(keyT key, Tensor< L > lc, T(*f)(const coordT &), T alpha, T beta) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
gaxpy_ext_recursive(const keyT &key, const FunctionImpl< L, NDIM > *left, Tensor< L > lcin, tensorT c, T(*f)(const coordT &), T alpha, T beta, double tol, bool below_leaf) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
gaxpy_inplace(const T &alpha, const FunctionImpl< Q, NDIM > &other, const R &beta, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
gaxpy_inplace_reconstructed(const T &alpha, const FunctionImpl< Q, NDIM > &g, const R &beta, const bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
gaxpy_oop_reconstructed(const double alpha, const implT &f, const double beta, const implT &g, const bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
get_autorefine() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
get_cdata() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
get_coeffs() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
get_coeffs() | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
get_contraction_node_lists(const std::size_t n, const std::array< int, CDIM > &v) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
get_functor() | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
get_functor() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
get_initial_level() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
get_k() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
get_norm_tree_recursive(const keyT &key) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
get_pmap() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
get_special_level() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
get_special_points() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
get_tensor_args() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
get_tensor_type() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
get_thresh() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
get_tree_state() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
get_world() const | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inline |
handler(const AmArg &arg) | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inlineprivatestatic |
hartree_product(const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< FunctionImpl< T, LDIM > > > p1, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< FunctionImpl< T, LDIM > > > p2, const leaf_opT &leaf_op, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
has_leaves() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
hash_value | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | friend |
hash_value | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | friend |
id() const | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inline |
implT typedef | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
initial_level | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | private |
inner_adaptive_local(const std::shared_ptr< FunctionFunctorInterface< T, NDIM > > f, const bool leaf_refine) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
inner_adaptive_recursive(keyT key, const tensorT &c, const std::shared_ptr< FunctionFunctorInterface< T, NDIM > > f, const bool leaf_refine, T old_inner=T(0)) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
inner_ext_local(const std::shared_ptr< FunctionFunctorInterface< T, NDIM > > f, const bool leaf_refine) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
inner_ext_node(keyT key, tensorT c, const std::shared_ptr< FunctionFunctorInterface< T, NDIM > > f) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
inner_ext_recursive(keyT key, tensorT c, const std::shared_ptr< FunctionFunctorInterface< T, NDIM > > f, const bool leaf_refine, T old_inner=T(0)) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
inner_local(const std::vector< const FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > * > &left, const std::vector< const FunctionImpl< R, NDIM > * > &right, bool sym) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inlinestatic |
insert_zero_down_to_initial_level(const keyT &key) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
is_compressed() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
is_nonstandard() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
is_nonstandard_with_leaves() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
is_on_demand() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
is_ready(const uniqueidT &id, objT *&obj, const AmArg &arg, am_handlerT ptr) | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inlineprivatestatic |
is_reconstructed() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
is_redundant() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
k | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | private |
key0() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
keyT typedef | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
large | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
leaves_only | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
load(Archive &ar) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
local_leaf_keys() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
MADNESS_ASSERT(this->is_redundant()==g.is_redundant()) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
MADNESS_ASSERT(this->is_redundant()==g.is_redundant()) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
MADNESS_CHECK(this->is_reconstructed()) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
make_key_vec_map(const std::vector< const FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > * > &v) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inlinestatic |
make_redundant(const bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | private |
make_redundant_op(const keyT &key, const std::vector< Future< std::pair< coeffT, double > > > &v) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
make_Vphi(const opT &leaf_op, const bool fence=true) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
make_Vphi_only(const opT &leaf_op, FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > *ket, FunctionImpl< T, LDIM > *v1, FunctionImpl< T, LDIM > *v2, FunctionImpl< T, LDIM > *p1, FunctionImpl< T, LDIM > *p2, FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > *eri, const bool fence=true) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
map_and_mirror(const implT &f, const std::vector< long > &map, const std::vector< long > &mirror, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
mapdim(const implT &f, const std::vector< long > &map, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
mapT typedef | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
mapvecT typedef | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
max_depth() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
max_local_depth() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
max_nodes() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
max_refine_level | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | private |
me | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | private |
merge_trees(const T alpha, const FunctionImpl< Q, NDIM > &other, const R beta, const bool fence=true) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
min_nodes() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
mirror(const implT &f, const std::vector< long > &mirror, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
mul(const Tensor< T > &c1, const Tensor< R > &c2, const int npt, const keyT &key) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
multi_to_multi_op_values(const opT &op, const std::vector< implT * > &vin, std::vector< implT * > &vout, const bool fence=true) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
multi_to_multi_op_values_doit(const keyT &key, const opT &op, const std::vector< implT * > &vin, std::vector< implT * > &vout) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
multiop_values(const opT &op, const std::vector< implT * > &v) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
multiop_values_doit(const keyT &key, const opT &op, const std::vector< implT * > &v) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
multiply(const implT *f, const FunctionImpl< T, LDIM > *g, const int particle) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
multiply(const coeffT &val_ket, const coeffT &val_pot, int particle) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
mulXX(const FunctionImpl< L, NDIM > *left, const FunctionImpl< R, NDIM > *right, double tol, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
mulXXa(const keyT &key, const FunctionImpl< L, NDIM > *left, const Tensor< L > &lcin, const FunctionImpl< R, NDIM > *right, const Tensor< R > &rcin, double tol) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
mulXXvec(const FunctionImpl< L, NDIM > *left, const std::vector< const FunctionImpl< R, NDIM > * > &vright, const std::vector< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > * > &vresult, double tol, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
mulXXveca(const keyT &key, const FunctionImpl< L, NDIM > *left, const Tensor< L > &lcin, const std::vector< const FunctionImpl< R, NDIM > * > vrightin, const std::vector< Tensor< R > > &vrcin, const std::vector< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > * > vresultin, double tol) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
nCoeff() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
neighbor(const keyT &key, const keyT &disp, const array_of_bools< NDIM > &is_periodic) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
neighbor_in_volume(const keyT &key, const keyT &disp) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
noautorefine(const keyT &key, const tensorT &t) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
nodeT typedef | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
norm2sq_local() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
norm_tree(bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
norm_tree_op(const keyT &key, const std::vector< Future< double > > &v) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
norm_tree_spawn(const keyT &key) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
NS_fcube_for_mul(const keyT &child, const keyT &parent, const GenTensor< Q > &coeff, const bool s_only) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
NScoeffs2values(const keyT &key, const GenTensor< Q > &coeff, const bool s_only) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
objid | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | private |
objT typedef | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | |
operator=(const WorldObject &)=delete | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | |
parent_to_child(const coeffT &s, const keyT &parent, const keyT &child) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
parent_to_child_NS(const keyT &child, const keyT &parent, const coeffT &coeff) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
partial_inner(const FunctionImpl< Q, LDIM > &g, const FunctionImpl< R, KDIM > &h, const std::array< int, CDIM > v1, const std::array< int, CDIM > v2) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
partial_inner_contract(const FunctionImpl< Q, LDIM > *g, const FunctionImpl< R, KDIM > *h, const std::array< int, CDIM > v1, const std::array< int, CDIM > v2, const Key< NDIM > &key, const std::list< Key< CDIM > > &j_key_list) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
pending | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inlineprivatestatic |
pending | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | private |
pending_mutex | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inlineprivatestatic |
pending_mutex(0) | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | private |
pending_mutex(0) | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | private |
pendingT typedef | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | private |
phi_for_mul(Level np, Translation lp, Level nc, Translation lc, Tensor< double > &phi) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
pimplT typedef | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
plot_cube_kernel(archive::archive_ptr< Tensor< T > > ptr, const keyT &key, const coordT &plotlo, const coordT &plothi, const std::vector< long > &npt, bool eval_refine) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
print_grid(const std::string filename) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
print_info() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
print_plane(const std::string filename, const int xaxis, const int yaxis, const coordT &el2) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
print_plane_local(const int xaxis, const int yaxis, const coordT &el2) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
print_size(const std::string name) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
print_stats() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
print_timer() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
print_tree(std::ostream &os=std::cout, Level maxlevel=10000) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
print_tree_graphviz(std::ostream &os=std::cout, Level maxlevel=10000) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
print_tree_json(std::ostream &os=std::cout, Level maxlevel=10000) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
print_type_in_compilation_error(R &&) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
process_pending() | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inlineprotected |
project(const keyT &key) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
project(const implT &old, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
project_out(FunctionImpl< T, NDIM-LDIM > *result, const FunctionImpl< T, LDIM > *gimpl, const int dim, const bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
project_out2(const FunctionImpl< T, LDIM+NDIM > *f, const FunctionImpl< T, LDIM > *g, const int dim) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
project_refine_op(const keyT &key, bool do_refine, const std::vector< Vector< double, NDIM > > &specialpts) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
put_in_box(ProcessID from, long nl, long ni) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
range(coeffs.begin(), coeffs.end()) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
rangeT typedef | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
rangeT typedef | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
rangeT typedef | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
read_grid(const std::string keyfile, const std::string gridfile, std::shared_ptr< FunctionFunctorInterface< double, NDIM > > vnuc_functor) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
read_grid2(const std::string gridfile, std::shared_ptr< FunctionFunctorInterface< double, NDIM > > vnuc_functor) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
ready | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | private |
real_size() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
reconstruct(bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
reconstruct_op(const keyT &key, const coeffT &s, const bool accumulate_NS=true) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
recur_down_for_contraction_map(const keyT &key, const nodeT &node, const std::array< int, CDIM > &v_this, const std::array< int, CDIM > &v_other, const std::set< Key< ODIM > > &ij_other_list, const std::map< Key< CDIM >, double > &j_other_list, bool this_first, const double thresh) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
recursive_apply(opT &apply_op, const FunctionImpl< T, LDIM > *fimpl, const FunctionImpl< T, LDIM > *gimpl, const bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
recursive_apply(opT &apply_op, const implT *fimpl, implT *rimpl, const bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
reduce(rangeT(coeffs.begin(), coeffs.end()), do_inner_local< R >(&g, leaves_only)) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
reduce(range, do_inner_local_on_demand< R >(this, &gimpl)) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
reduce(rangeT(coeffs.begin(), coeffs.end()), do_dot_local< R >(&g, leaves_only)) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
reduce_rank(const double thresh, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
refine(const opT &op, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
refine_op(const opT &op, const keyT &key) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
refine_spawn(const opT &op, const keyT &key) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
refine_to_common_level(const std::vector< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > * > &v, const std::vector< tensorT > &c, const keyT key) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
remove_internal_coefficients(const bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
remove_leaf_coefficients(const bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
replicate(bool fence=true) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
reset_timer() | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
scale_inplace(const T q, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
scale_oop(const Q q, const FunctionImpl< F, NDIM > &f, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
send(ProcessID dest, memfnT memfn) const | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inline |
send(ProcessID dest, memfnT memfn, const a1T &a1) const | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inline |
send(ProcessID dest, memfnT memfn, const a1T &a1, const a2T &a2) const | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inline |
send(ProcessID dest, memfnT memfn, const a1T &a1, const a2T &a2, const a3T &a3) const | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inline |
send(ProcessID dest, memfnT memfn, const a1T &a1, const a2T &a2, const a3T &a3, const a4T &a4) const | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inline |
send(ProcessID dest, memfnT memfn, const a1T &a1, const a2T &a2, const a3T &a3, const a4T &a4, const a5T &a5) const | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inline |
send(ProcessID dest, memfnT memfn, const a1T &a1, const a2T &a2, const a3T &a3, const a4T &a4, const a5T &a5, const a6T &a6) const | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inline |
send(ProcessID dest, memfnT memfn, const a1T &a1, const a2T &a2, const a3T &a3, const a4T &a4, const a5T &a5, const a6T &a6, const a7T &a7) const | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inline |
send(ProcessID dest, memfnT memfn, const a1T &a1, const a2T &a2, const a3T &a3, const a4T &a4, const a5T &a5, const a6T &a6, const a7T &a7, const a8T &a8) const | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inline |
send(ProcessID dest, memfnT memfn, const a1T &a1, const a2T &a2, const a3T &a3, const a4T &a4, const a5T &a5, const a6T &a6, const a7T &a7, const a8T &a8, const a9T &a9) const | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inline |
send_am(ProcessID dest, memfnT memfn, const a1T &a1, const a2T &a2, const a3T &a3, const a4T &a4, const a5T &a5, const a6T &a6, const a7T &a7, const a8T &a8, const a9T &a9) const | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inlineprivate |
send_task(ProcessID dest, memfnT memfn, const a1T &a1, const a2T &a2, const a3T &a3, const a4T &a4, const a5T &a5, const a6T &a6, const a7T &a7, const a8T &a8, const a9T &a9, const TaskAttributes &attr) const | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inlineprivate |
set_autorefine(bool value) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
set_functor(const std::shared_ptr< FunctionFunctorInterface< T, NDIM > > functor1) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
set_tensor_args(const TensorArgs &t) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
set_thresh(double value) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
set_tree_state(const TreeState &state) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
size() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
size_local() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
small | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
sock_it_to_me(const keyT &key, const RemoteReference< FutureImpl< std::pair< keyT, coeffT > > > &ref) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
sock_it_to_me_too(const keyT &key, const RemoteReference< FutureImpl< std::pair< keyT, coeffT > > > &ref) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
spawn_remote_task_handler(const AmArg &arg) | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inlineprivatestatic |
special_level | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | private |
special_points | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | private |
square_inplace(bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
standard(bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
store(Archive &ar) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
sum_down(bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
sum_down_spawn(const keyT &key, const coeffT &s) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
targs | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | private |
task(ProcessID dest, memfnT memfn, const TaskAttributes &attr=TaskAttributes()) const | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inline |
task(ProcessID dest, memfnT memfn, const a1T &a1, const TaskAttributes &attr=TaskAttributes()) const | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inline |
task(ProcessID dest, memfnT memfn, const a1T &a1, const a2T &a2, const TaskAttributes &attr=TaskAttributes()) const | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inline |
task(ProcessID dest, memfnT memfn, const a1T &a1, const a2T &a2, const a3T &a3, const TaskAttributes &attr=TaskAttributes()) const | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inline |
task(ProcessID dest, memfnT memfn, const a1T &a1, const a2T &a2, const a3T &a3, const a4T &a4, const TaskAttributes &attr=TaskAttributes()) const | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inline |
task(ProcessID dest, memfnT memfn, const a1T &a1, const a2T &a2, const a3T &a3, const a4T &a4, const a5T &a5, const TaskAttributes &attr=TaskAttributes()) const | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inline |
task(ProcessID dest, memfnT memfn, const a1T &a1, const a2T &a2, const a3T &a3, const a4T &a4, const a5T &a5, const a6T &a6, const TaskAttributes &attr=TaskAttributes()) const | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inline |
task(ProcessID dest, memfnT memfn, const a1T &a1, const a2T &a2, const a3T &a3, const a4T &a4, const a5T &a5, const a6T &a6, const a7T &a7, const TaskAttributes &attr=TaskAttributes()) const | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inline |
task(ProcessID dest, memfnT memfn, const a1T &a1, const a2T &a2, const a3T &a3, const a4T &a4, const a5T &a5, const a6T &a6, const a7T &a7, const a8T &a8, const TaskAttributes &attr=TaskAttributes()) const | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inline |
task(ProcessID dest, memfnT memfn, const a1T &a1, const a2T &a2, const a3T &a3, const a4T &a4, const a5T &a5, const a6T &a6, const a7T &a7, const a8T &a8, const a9T &a9, const TaskAttributes &attr=TaskAttributes()) const | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inline |
TENSOR_RESULT_TYPE(T, R) inner_local(const FunctionImpl< R | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
TENSOR_RESULT_TYPE(T, R) resultT | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
TENSOR_RESULT_TYPE(T, R) inner_local_on_demand(const FunctionImpl< R | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
TENSOR_RESULT_TYPE(T, R) dot_local(const FunctionImpl< R | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
TENSOR_RESULT_TYPE(T, R) resultT | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
tensorT typedef | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
thresh | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | private |
timer_accumulate | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
timer_change_tensor_type | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
timer_compress_svd | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
timer_filter | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
timer_lr_result | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
timer_target_driven | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
tnorm(const tensorT &t, double *lo, double *hi) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | static |
tnorm(const GenTensor< T > &t, double *lo, double *hi) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | static |
tnorm(const SVDTensor< T > &t, double *lo, double *hi, const int particle) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | static |
trace_local() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
tranT typedef | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
traverse_tree(const coeff_opT &coeff_op, const apply_opT &apply_op, const keyT &key) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
tree_size() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
tree_state | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | private |
trickle_down(bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
trickle_down_op(const keyT &key, const coeffT &s) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
truncate(double tol, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
truncate_mode | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | private |
truncate_on_project | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | private |
truncate_op(const keyT &key, double tol, const std::vector< Future< bool > > &v) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
truncate_reconstructed_op(const keyT &key, const std::vector< Future< coeffT > > &v, const double tol) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
truncate_reconstructed_spawn(const keyT &key, const double tol) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
truncate_spawn(const keyT &key, double tol) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
truncate_tol(double tol, const keyT &key) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
typeT typedef | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
unary_op_coeff_inplace(const opT &op, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
unary_op_node_inplace(const opT &op, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
unary_op_value_inplace(const opT &op, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
unaryXX(const FunctionImpl< Q, NDIM > *func, const opT &op, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
unaryXXa(const keyT &key, const FunctionImpl< Q, NDIM > *func, const opT &op) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
unaryXXvalues(const FunctionImpl< Q, NDIM > *func, const opT &op, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
undo_redundant(const bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
unfilter(const tensorT &s) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
unfilter(const coeffT &s) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
unset_functor() | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
upsample(const keyT &key, const coeffT &coeff) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
values2coeffs(const keyT &key, const GenTensor< Q > &values) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
values2coeffs(const keyT &key, const Tensor< Q > &values) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
values2NScoeffs(const keyT &key, const GenTensor< Q > &values) const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
verify_tree() const | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
voidT typedef | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | private |
vol_nsphere(int n, double R) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
vtransform(const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< FunctionImpl< R, NDIM > > > &vright, const Tensor< Q > &c, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > > &vleft, double tol, bool fence) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
vtransform_doit(const std::shared_ptr< FunctionImpl< R, NDIM > > &right, const Tensor< Q > &c, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > > &vleft, double tol) | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inline |
world | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
WorldObject(const WorldObject &other) | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inline |
WorldObject(World &world) | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inline |
woT typedef | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | private |
zero_norm_tree() | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | |
~FunctionImpl() | madness::FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > | inlinevirtual |
~WorldObject() | madness::WorldObject< FunctionImpl< T, NDIM > > | inlinevirtual |
~WorldObjectBase()=default | madness::WorldObjectBase | virtual |