MADNESS 0.10.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * PNOStructures.h
3 *
4 * Created on: Oct 24, 2018
5 * Author: kottmanj
6 */
11#include <valarray>
12#include <string>
17#include <madness.h>
19/// this block needs to be known before nonlinsol.h is included (happens when nemo is included)
20/// better move this to nonlinsol.h
21namespace madness {
22/// inner product for std::valarray
23double inner(const std::valarray<double>& bra, const std::valarray<double>& ket);
24// KAIN allocator for std::valarray
26 const size_t dim;
28 valarray_allocator(const size_t& indim) : dim(indim) {};
30 std::valarray<double> operator()(){
31 return std::valarray<double>(dim);
32 }
34 valarray_allocator tmp(other.dim);
35 return tmp;
36 }
43namespace madness {
47 ParametrizedExchange(World & world, const Nemo& nemo_, const std::string& type_):
48 world(world),
49 nemo(nemo_),
50 type(type_),
51 K(Exchange<double,3>(world, &nemo, 0))
52 {
54 }
57 const Nemo& nemo;
58 const std::string type;
62 vecfuncT vket(1,ket);
63 vecfuncT vKket=this->operator()(vket);
64 return vKket[0];
65 }
67 vecfuncT operator ()(const vecfuncT& vket,
68 const double& mul_tol = 0.0) const;
74/// Timer structure
75struct MyTimer{
77 mutable double wstart_, cstart_;
78 mutable double wstop_, cstop_;
79 mutable double wtime_, ctime_;
80 mutable std::string msg_;
82 MyTimer(World& world): world(world), wstart_(-1.0),cstart_(-1.0),wstop_(-1.0),cstop_(-1.0),wtime_(-1.0),ctime_(-1.0){}
83 MyTimer start()const{
86 cstart_ = cpu_time();
87 return *this;
88 }
90 wstop_ = wall_time();
91 cstop_ = cpu_time();
94 return *this;
95 }
96 MyTimer print(const std::string& msg)const{
97 msg_=msg;
98 if(world.rank()==0){
99 printf("timer: %40.40s %8.2fs %8.2fs \n", msg.c_str(), wtime_, ctime_);
100 }
101 return *this;
102 }
104 if(world.rank()==0){
105 printf("timer: %40.40s %8.2fs %8.2fs \n", msg_.c_str(), wtime_, ctime_);
106 }
107 return *this;
108 }
111/// POD structure for energies
114 PairEnergies(const size_t& npairs): eijs(npairs),eijt(npairs),eijs_f12(npairs),eijt_f12(npairs),eij(npairs),energy(0.0),energy_f12(0.0){}
116 std::valarray<double> eijs; ///< singlet pair energies (for CIS(D) the GS Part)
117 std::valarray<double> eijt; ///< triplet pair energies (for CIS(D) the ES Part)
118 std::valarray<double> eijs_f12; ///< singlet f12 pair energies (for CIS(D) the GS Part)
119 std::valarray<double> eijt_f12; ///< triplet f12 pair energies (for CIS(D) the ES Part)
120 std::valarray<double> eij; ///< total pair energies
121 double energy=0.0; ///<total correlation energy (regularized Energy for f12 calculation)
122 double energy_f12=0.0; ///< total f12 correlation energy
123 double total_energy()const{return energy+energy_f12;}
127 PairEnergies operator +(const PairEnergies& right) const;
129 void update(){
130 energy=0.0;
131 energy_f12=0.0;
132 for(size_t ij=0;ij<eij.size();++ij){
133 const double ereg_ij=eijs[ij]+eijt[ij];
134 const double ef12_ij=eijs_f12[ij]+eijt_f12[ij];
135 energy+=ereg_ij;
136 energy_f12+=ef12_ij;
137 eij[ij]=ereg_ij+ef12_ij;
138 }
139 }
142/// iterates the third index for pair coupling
145 size_t i_;
146 const size_t start_;
147 const size_t stop_;
149 const size_t freeze_;
151 size_t i()const {return i_;}
153 OrbitalIterator(const size_t &nocc, const size_t &freeze): i_(0), start_(0),stop_(nocc-freeze),finished_(false),freeze_(freeze) {}
155 operator bool() const{ return !finished_;}
158 if(i_<(stop_-1)) ++i_;
159 else finished_=true;
160 return *this;
161 }
163 // gives real index (if some orbtials are frozen)
164 std::string name()const {return std::to_string(i_+start_);}
166 size_t freeze() const {return freeze_;} // mostly to con the compiler that freeze_ is used
169/// Iterator over pairs
170/// iterates (i,j) from i=start to i<stop and j=i to j<stop
171/// iterates like the code
172/// For frozen orbitals iteration goes from 0 to nocc-freeze !!! (consistency with code)
173/// The name() function gives back the "real" pair number
176 ElectronPairIterator(const size_t& nocc, const size_t& freeze):
177 stop_(nocc-freeze),
178 freeze_(freeze)
181 /// check if iteration has to proceed
182 operator bool() const {
183 return !finished_;
184 }
186 /// Gives the number of the pair in the valarray of file
187 template <typename Int>
188 size_t tridx(Int row, Int col) {
189 size_t result= (row < col) ? (row + col * (col + 1) / 2)
190 : (col + row * (row + 1) / 2);
191 return result;//-offset_;
192 }
194 /// pre-increment operator
197 /// number of active occupied orbitals
198 size_t nocc()const{
199 return (stop_-start_);
200 }
202 /// total number of pairs n * (n + 1) / 2;
203 size_t npairs()const{
204 const size_t n=stop_-start_;
205 return n*(n+1)/2;
206 }
208 /// Gives back "pairij" (for frozen core i and j are the true indices corresponding to the reference with all orbitals)
209 std::string name()const{
210 std::string name="pair"+ std::to_string(i_+freeze_) + std::to_string(j_+freeze_);
211 return name;
212 }
214 size_t i()const{ return i_;}
215 size_t j()const{ return j_;}
216 size_t start()const{ return start_;}
217 size_t stop()const{ return stop_;}
218 size_t ij()const{return ij_;}
219 bool finished()const{return finished_;}
220 bool diagonal()const{return (i_==j_);}
223 size_t i_=0; ///< current pair index i
224 size_t j_=0; ///< current pair index j
225 const size_t start_=0; ///< start value for i and j (usually 0)
226 const size_t stop_=0; ///< stop value for i and j (usually number of occ orbitals or occ-nfreeze for frozen core)
227 const size_t freeze_=0; ///< number of frozen orbitals (just to print the correct name)
228 size_t ij_=0; ///< pair number starting from 00 => 0
229 bool finished_=false; ///< true if all pairs where iterated
232/// POD for CIS excitation
244/// POD for PNO code
245struct PNOPairs{
247 struct MemInfo{
248 double pno;
249 double Kpno;
250 double W;
251 friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& os, const MemInfo& mi){
252 os << "PNOPairs Memory Information\n";
253 os << "Total: " << std::fixed << mi.pno + mi.Kpno + mi.W << " GB \n";
254 os << "PNO : " << std::fixed << mi.pno << " GB \n";
255 os << "KPNO : " << std::fixed << mi.Kpno << " GB \n";
256 os << "W : " << std::fixed << mi.W << " GB \n";
257 return os;
258 }
259 };
261 typedef std::valarray<vector_real_function_3d> vfT ;
262 PNOPairs(const PairType& t, const size_t& n) : type(t), nocc(n), npairs(n*(n+1)/2) , S_ij_ik(n), S_ij_kj(n) {initialize(n);}
263 PNOPairs(const PairType& t, const size_t& n, const CISData& c): type(t), nocc(n), npairs(n*(n+1)/2), cis(c), S_ij_ik(n), S_ij_kj(n)
264 {
265 initialize(n);
266 const size_t n2=cis.x.size();
268 MADNESS_ASSERT(n==n2);
269 }
271 void initialize(const std::size_t& nocc);
273 const PairType type; ///< type (i.e. MP2_PAIRTYPE, CISPD_PAIRTYPE, later CCSD etc
274 const size_t nocc; ///< number of active occupied orbitals
275 const size_t npairs; ///< number of Pairs
276 CISData cis; ///< CIS excitation structure
277 vfT pno_ij; ///< the PNOs for all Pairs
278 std::valarray<Tensor<double> > rdm_evals_ij; ///< PNO eigenvalues
279 std::valarray<Tensor<double> > t_ij; ///< the amplitudes for all Pairs
280 std::valarray<Tensor<double> > F_ij; ///< Fock matrices of the PNOs
281 std::valarray<Tensor<double> > W_ij; ///< Fluctuation matrix
282 std::valarray<int> maxranks_ij; ///< maxranks for all pairs, negative->unlimited
283 std::valarray<bool> frozen_ij; ///< if true then pairs are frozen and not optimized (but still contribute to energy -> not frozen core)
284 PairEnergies energies; ///< all Pair Energies
285 vfT Kpno_ij; ///< Exchange Intermediate
286 vfT W_ij_i; ///< Fluctuation Potential
287 vfT W_ij_j; ///< Fluctuation Potential
290 mutable MemInfo meminfo; ///< information about the used memory
292 /// check if all pairs are empty
293 bool empty()const{
294 bool empty=true;
295 for(const auto& p:pno_ij) empty=(empty and p.empty());
296 return empty;
297 }
299 /// consistency check
300 bool is_consistent(std::string& errm) const;
301 /// throes exception if consistency check fails fails
302 void verify()const{
303 std::string errm="";
304 if(not is_consistent(errm)) MADNESS_EXCEPTION(errm.c_str(),1);
305 }
306 // need explicit assignment operator bc of const members
307 PNOPairs operator =(const PNOPairs& other);
309 // name the pair to store and load on disc
310 std::string name(const ElectronPairIterator& it) const;
312 // rearrange a valarray to a big vector according to the pair structure of this
313 // only return unfrozen pairs
314 vector_real_function_3d extract(const vfT& vf) const;
315 // reassemble big vector into valarray pair structure of this
316 // the inverted operation to extract
318 vfT result(npairs);
319 return reassemble(v,result);
320 }
321 vfT reassemble(const vector_real_function_3d& v, vfT& result) const;
325 MemInfo update_meminfo() const;
332} /* namespace madness */
Definition PNOTensors.h:34
Definition PNOTensors.h:105
Definition SCFOperators.h:104
The Nemo class.
Definition nemo.h:326
Definition PNOStructures.h:45
Exchange< double, 3 > K
Definition PNOStructures.h:59
real_function_3d operator()(const real_function_3d &ket) const
Definition PNOStructures.h:61
ParametrizedExchange(World &world, const Nemo &nemo_, const std::string &type_)
Definition PNOStructures.h:47
const Nemo & nemo
Definition PNOStructures.h:57
World & world
Definition PNOStructures.h:56
const std::string type
Definition PNOStructures.h:58
void fence(bool debug=false)
Synchronizes all processes in communicator AND globally ensures no pending AM or tasks.
A parallel world class.
Definition world.h:132
ProcessID rank() const
Returns the process rank in this World (same as MPI_Comm_rank()).
Definition world.h:320
WorldGopInterface & gop
Global operations.
Definition world.h:207
char * p(char *buf, const char *name, int k, int initial_level, double thresh, int order)
static const double v
General header file for using MADNESS.
Defines madness::MadnessException for exception handling.
#define MADNESS_EXCEPTION(msg, value)
Macro for throwing a MADNESS exception.
Definition madness_exception.h:119
#define MADNESS_ASSERT(condition)
Assert a condition that should be free of side-effects since in release builds this might be a no-op.
Definition madness_exception.h:134
Namespace for all elements and tools of MADNESS.
Definition DFParameters.h:10
static double cpu_time()
Returns the cpu time in seconds relative to an arbitrary origin.
Definition timers.h:127
std::vector< real_function_3d > vector_real_function_3d
Definition functypedefs.h:94
NDIM & f
Definition mra.h:2462
double wall_time()
Returns the wall time in seconds relative to an arbitrary origin.
double inner(response_space &a, response_space &b)
Definition response_functions.h:442
vector< functionT > vecfuncT
Definition PNOParameters.h:17
static const double c
POD for CIS excitation.
Definition PNOStructures.h:233
bool initialized() const
Definition PNOStructures.h:241
vector_real_function_3d Kx
Definition PNOStructures.h:237
CISData(const size_t &n, const double &o, const vector_real_function_3d &f)
Definition PNOStructures.h:235
int number
Definition PNOStructures.h:239
Definition PNOStructures.h:234
vector_real_function_3d Vx
Definition PNOStructures.h:238
vector_real_function_3d x
Definition PNOStructures.h:236
double omega
Definition PNOStructures.h:240
Definition PNOStructures.h:174
const size_t stop_
stop value for i and j (usually number of occ orbitals or occ-nfreeze for frozen core)
Definition PNOStructures.h:226
size_t j_
current pair index j
Definition PNOStructures.h:224
size_t npairs() const
total number of pairs n * (n + 1) / 2;
Definition PNOStructures.h:203
bool finished_
true if all pairs where iterated
Definition PNOStructures.h:229
size_t ij_
pair number starting from 00 => 0
Definition PNOStructures.h:228
const size_t freeze_
number of frozen orbitals (just to print the correct name)
Definition PNOStructures.h:227
size_t start() const
Definition PNOStructures.h:216
size_t i() const
Definition PNOStructures.h:214
bool diagonal() const
Definition PNOStructures.h:220
ElectronPairIterator & operator++()
pre-increment operator
Definition PNOStructures.cpp:57
size_t j() const
Definition PNOStructures.h:215
std::string name() const
Gives back "pairij" (for frozen core i and j are the true indices corresponding to the reference with...
Definition PNOStructures.h:209
bool finished() const
Definition PNOStructures.h:219
size_t i_
current pair index i
Definition PNOStructures.h:223
size_t ij() const
Definition PNOStructures.h:218
size_t nocc() const
number of active occupied orbitals
Definition PNOStructures.h:198
size_t tridx(Int row, Int col)
Gives the number of the pair in the valarray of file.
Definition PNOStructures.h:188
size_t stop() const
Definition PNOStructures.h:217
const size_t start_
start value for i and j (usually 0)
Definition PNOStructures.h:225
ElectronPairIterator(const size_t &nocc, const size_t &freeze)
Definition PNOStructures.h:176
Timer structure.
Definition PNOStructures.h:75
double wstop_
Definition PNOStructures.h:78
MyTimer stop()
Definition PNOStructures.h:89
double cstart_
Definition PNOStructures.h:77
double wtime_
Definition PNOStructures.h:79
MyTimer print() const
Definition PNOStructures.h:103
double wstart_
Definition PNOStructures.h:77
double ctime_
Definition PNOStructures.h:79
World & world
Definition PNOStructures.h:76
MyTimer(World &world)
Definition PNOStructures.h:82
MyTimer start() const
Definition PNOStructures.h:83
std::string msg_
Definition PNOStructures.h:80
double cstop_
Definition PNOStructures.h:78
MyTimer print(const std::string &msg) const
Definition PNOStructures.h:96
iterates the third index for pair coupling
Definition PNOStructures.h:143
std::string name() const
Definition PNOStructures.h:164
const size_t stop_
Definition PNOStructures.h:147
size_t i() const
Definition PNOStructures.h:151
bool finished_
Definition PNOStructures.h:148
size_t freeze() const
Definition PNOStructures.h:166
const size_t freeze_
Definition PNOStructures.h:149
OrbitalIterator & operator++()
Definition PNOStructures.h:157
size_t i_
Definition PNOStructures.h:145
OrbitalIterator(const size_t &nocc, const size_t &freeze)
Definition PNOStructures.h:153
const size_t start_
Definition PNOStructures.h:146
Definition PNOStructures.h:247
double W
Definition PNOStructures.h:250
double pno
Definition PNOStructures.h:248
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const MemInfo &mi)
Definition PNOStructures.h:251
double Kpno
Definition PNOStructures.h:249
POD for PNO code.
Definition PNOStructures.h:245
vfT reassemble(const vector_real_function_3d &v)
Definition PNOStructures.h:317
vfT W_ij_i
Fluctuation Potential.
Definition PNOStructures.h:286
vfT Kpno_ij
Exchange Intermediate.
Definition PNOStructures.h:285
vfT pno_ij
the PNOs for all Pairs
Definition PNOStructures.h:277
PNOTensors::Tensor_IJ_KJ< double > S_ij_kj
PNO overlaps.
Definition PNOStructures.h:289
vector_real_function_3d extract(const vfT &vf) const
Definition PNOStructures.cpp:190
void initialize(const std::size_t &nocc)
Definition PNOStructures.cpp:154
std::valarray< vector_real_function_3d > vfT
Definition PNOStructures.h:261
void verify() const
throes exception if consistency check fails fails
Definition PNOStructures.h:302
bool is_consistent(std::string &errm) const
consistency check
Definition PNOStructures.cpp:77
PNOTensors::Tensor_IJ_IK< double > S_ij_ik
PNO overlaps.
Definition PNOStructures.h:288
MemInfo meminfo
information about the used memory
Definition PNOStructures.h:290
std::valarray< bool > frozen_ij
if true then pairs are frozen and not optimized (but still contribute to energy -> not frozen core)
Definition PNOStructures.h:283
CISData cis
CIS excitation structure.
Definition PNOStructures.h:276
PairEnergies energies
all Pair Energies
Definition PNOStructures.h:284
const size_t nocc
number of active occupied orbitals
Definition PNOStructures.h:274
bool empty() const
check if all pairs are empty
Definition PNOStructures.h:293
std::valarray< Tensor< double > > t_ij
the amplitudes for all Pairs
Definition PNOStructures.h:279
const size_t npairs
number of Pairs
Definition PNOStructures.h:275
PNOPairs operator=(const PNOPairs &other)
Definition PNOStructures.cpp:171
std::valarray< Tensor< double > > F_ij
Fock matrices of the PNOs.
Definition PNOStructures.h:280
std::valarray< Tensor< double > > rdm_evals_ij
PNO eigenvalues.
Definition PNOStructures.h:278
std::string name(const ElectronPairIterator &it) const
Definition PNOStructures.cpp:181
void clear_intermediates(const ElectronPairIterator &it)
Definition PNOStructures.cpp:221
std::valarray< int > maxranks_ij
maxranks for all pairs, negative->unlimited
Definition PNOStructures.h:282
PNOPairs(const PairType &t, const size_t &n)
Definition PNOStructures.h:262
MemInfo update_meminfo() const
Definition PNOStructures.cpp:239
const PairType type
type (i.e. MP2_PAIRTYPE, CISPD_PAIRTYPE, later CCSD etc
Definition PNOStructures.h:273
PNOPairs(const PairType &t, const size_t &n, const CISData &c)
Definition PNOStructures.h:263
vfT W_ij_j
Fluctuation Potential.
Definition PNOStructures.h:287
std::valarray< Tensor< double > > W_ij
Fluctuation matrix.
Definition PNOStructures.h:281
POD structure for energies.
Definition PNOStructures.h:112
PairEnergies(const size_t &npairs)
Definition PNOStructures.h:114
PairEnergies operator+=(const PairEnergies &right)
Definition PNOStructures.cpp:24
double total_energy() const
Definition PNOStructures.h:123
Definition PNOStructures.h:113
PairEnergies operator+(const PairEnergies &right) const
Definition PNOStructures.cpp:40
std::valarray< double > eijs
singlet pair energies (for CIS(D) the GS Part)
Definition PNOStructures.h:116
std::valarray< double > eijt_f12
triplet f12 pair energies (for CIS(D) the ES Part)
Definition PNOStructures.h:119
std::valarray< double > eijs_f12
singlet f12 pair energies (for CIS(D) the GS Part)
Definition PNOStructures.h:118
double energy
total correlation energy (regularized Energy for f12 calculation)
Definition PNOStructures.h:121
std::valarray< double > eijt
triplet pair energies (for CIS(D) the ES Part)
Definition PNOStructures.h:117
void update()
Definition PNOStructures.h:129
double energy_f12
total f12 correlation energy
Definition PNOStructures.h:122
std::valarray< double > eij
total pair energies
Definition PNOStructures.h:120
Definition PNOStructures.h:25
const size_t dim
Definition PNOStructures.h:26
std::valarray< double > operator()()
Definition PNOStructures.h:30
valarray_allocator operator=(const valarray_allocator &other)
Definition PNOStructures.h:33
valarray_allocator(const size_t &indim)
Definition PNOStructures.h:28
double ij(int64_t i, int64_t j)